forty two

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"how was guernsey?" talia asked me as we walked through tesco, both doing our weekly food shop together.

"it was honestly amazing" i told her, leaving out most of the details as i felt as though it was nice for harry and i to have our own little thing. "harry's family are so lovely"

"i've met rosie a few times, she's adorable" talia hummed, grabbing some vegetables for her basket. "did you get any birthday sex?"

"talia!" i gasped, my face heating up. "my birthdays today, anyway"

"oooh, getting lucky tonight then?" she laughed before we headed towards the chilled aisle so i could grab some vegan whipped cream and oat milk to cure my lactose intolerance. "do you have plans?"

"harry's taking me out, i don't know much about it" i explained, sticking the carton of milk into my basket. "he said to dress fancy, that's literally it"

"you're definitely getting lucky tonight" she said, making me laugh. "just saying"

"you're disgusting" i rolled my eyes before we decided we were finished and it was time to go and check out.

after we bought our shopping, talia offered to drive me home which i was thankful for as the bags were heavy and i didn't have any motivation to walk home.

"so, how does it feel to be twenty one?" talia asked me as she began to drive to my place. "do you feel like a real adult now?"

"nah, i don't feel any different" i laughed, shaking my head. "do you have any plans tonight?"

"yeah, uh, me and simon are filming a video" she told me, pulling onto the road towards my apartment building. "then i'm going to stream"

"we need to do something soon, i miss our nights out" i told her and she agreed.

after a short while, we arrived at my house and i thanked talia for the ride before grabbing my bags and heading inside.

i quickly put my shopping away before i started to get ready as harry was picking me up at six and it was now half past four.

as i sat down to do my hair, i got a facetime call from will so i answered the call and propped my phone up so i could speak to him while i curled my hair.

"happy birthday bestie!" he shouted as soon as the call connected.

"thanks bestie!" i laughed, smiling wide. "i'm almost as old as you now"

"not quite" he laughed. "where you off to?"

"harry won't tell me" i frowned. "do you know anything?"

"cant say, lass" he shrugged making me narrow my eyes at him.

"i'm onto you lenney" i said, letting my bouncy curl go. "how's your girlfriend?"

"she's your friend!" he exclaimed, laughing. "she's coming 'round tonight"

"i miss mia, i've not seen her in so long" i pouted. "you've stolen her from me"

"well harry stole you from me!" he argued back. "we can double date soon!"

"yes!" i grinned. "did you hear ethan was on a date last night?"

"yeah, faith her name was" he told me. "she seems lovely"

"i'm happy for him" i hummed, finishing off my curls and grabbing my make up bag out. "he deserves to finally settle down"

will smiled and began telling me a story about george and alex, i smiled and listened intensely while i was putting my make up on, it was mad how this time last year i was celebrating my twentieth birthday with will while we ate chinese food and watched marvel films and now i was getting ready to go out with my boyfriend, so much can change in a year.

we made it - harry lewisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang