thirty eight

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i woke up to seven messages and a few missed calls from harry, that was weird, if i didn't answer and it was urgent he usually just showed up at my place.

i called him straight away and he picked up on the third ring. "baby!"

his voice was hoarse and croaky but he still sounded really enthusiastic.

"hey, i just woke up, what's up?" i asked as i stood up out of bed, phone still pressed to my ear as i opened my blinds.

"can you come over?" he asked me. "i'm really fuckin' ill and everyone's gone out, i just want company"

"yeah, of course" i said. "are you okay? what's wrong?"

"i just have a really sore throat, can barely talk" he whined.

"aww poor baby" i giggled. "i'll just get ready and head over, give me a half hour?"

"perfect, thanks babe" he hummed.

"see you soon" i said before we exchanged 'i love you's and i made my way into the shower to get ready to go to harry's.

i got ready into proper casual clothes and pulled my hair into a low pony, sliding my glasses onto my face and tying my trainers laces.

i made my way out and downstairs, heading onto the busy london streets and i stuck my airpods in, listening to some random music as i headed down the river.

i stopped at pret which was two minutes from harry's, i picked us up some pastries as well as a chai latte for harry, which was his favourite.

smiling, i thanked the woman and made my way over to harry's flat, buzzing up to get in.

once i got up, harry opened the door to me, smiling with his arms wide open. he looked absolutely horrific, his hair everywhere, clad in some tartan pyjama bottoms and a nike sweater.

i smiled and happily hugged him back, and we made our way inside.

"i got you a chai latte and a baguette" i informed him as i placed everything on the counter.

"i don't deserve you" he groaned as he took a big sip of the latte. "so good"

"your voice is fucked" i giggled, listening to the boys hoarse voice.

"i kind of noticed" he laughed. "wanna just watch movies today? we can order food later"

"sounds like a class day to me" i smiled as i slipped off my shoes and we made our way into harry's room.

his room was a mess, about three blankets on his bed, clothes everywhere and there was about four water bottles on his bedside table.

"get into bed, i'll tidy up a little for you" i told my boyfriend as i started grabbing all the clothes to stick in the wash.

"beth, it's okay" he said, quietly. "i'll do that later"

"you're sick" i reminded him. "i'll do it, it'll only take a few minutes"

he smiled gratefully as i stuck all of the clothes into the laundry basket for him to do whenever, grabbed all the water bottles and took them to the kitchen to put in the bin, i kept one and filled it up with water for him.

while i was in the kitchen, i made harry a cup of tea. i made sure to stir some honey into it as it'd help soothe his throat.

i made my way back through to harry's room where he had gotten in to bed, two blankets wrapped around him.

"i made you a cuppa" i said, placing the cup on the bedside table.

"thank you, angel" he hummed. "i don't deserve you"

"oh, shut up harry" i told him. "now let's watch harry potter!"

"i hate harry potter but fine" he sighed, overdramatically. "you're lucky i love you"

i smiled and slipped my shoes off before pulling my hoodie off, over my head and climbing into bed next to my boyfriend.

his arm automatically made its way around my waist and he placed his head on my chest, i subconsciously started to play with his hair as he put netflix on and played the first harry potter movie.

for the first half of the movie, we sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company but harry began to get bored.

"babeeee" he moaned. "pay attention to me"

"you have my full and undivided attention" i hummed while not taking my eyes off the tv screen.

"i get it, you prefer the other harry" he pouted.

"oh shhhh" i laughed, pulling my eyes away to face him. "you're such a baby"

"your baby" he winked, making me laugh. "so anyway, your birthday is coming up"

"yup, the big two one" i laughed. "i'm getting old"

"oh please, i'm twenty three" he laughed. "if anything, i'm a cougar"

"i don't think guys are called cougars" i shrugged.

"what are they called then?"

"dilfs" i shrugged with a laugh.

"oh, fuck off" he said, shoving me a little. "i'm not a dilf"

"if you had a kid, you'd be a dilf" i told him. "don't put yourself down like that"

just as he was about to reply to me, his phone started ringing, he picked it up and checked the contact name.

"it's my mum, sorry i've got to take this" he said and i smiled and nodded, pulling my own phone out to occupy myself.

"hi mum, yeah i'm okay" he said. "yeah, beths here, beth, my mum said hi!"

"hi mrs lewis" i called out into the phone, smiling.

"yeah, she's taking good care of me, mum" he said, proudly. "next week? yeah i'll say to her, yeah definitely, okay, yeah, okay, love you mum"

he hung up and placed his phone on his bedside table.

"soooo" he dragged out. "any chance you want to come to guernsey next week?"

"next week?!" i exclaimed. meeting his parents for the first time in a new country? i couldn't think of anything scarier. "you know i'm pretty sure i have a doctors appointment next week"

"beth, i didn't even tell you what day" he laughed. "and you're not even registered with a doctor here!"

"sorry, i'm just nervous" i shrugged. "i've never met a guys parents before"

"surely you had a boyfriend back in scotland?" he asked and i shook my head.

"you're my first proper boyfriend" i laughed. "but if i come to guernsey, you have to come to scotland on my birthday"

"deal" he grinned. "i'll book flights tonight, is monday okay for you?"

"yeah" i nodded. "oh, by the way, i'm handing my notice into the restaurant"

"you still work there?" harry scoffed. "you've not done a shift in forever"

"i know" i laughed. "i'm making enough money from twitch and instagram sponsors to just do social media full time, wow that's a mad sentence"

"that's class" harry grinned.

the rest of the night was spent eating takeout pizza and watching the harry potter movies, much to harry's dismay, nights like these were what made me realise how insanely blessed i was.

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