thirty three

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after a full day of me hiding in wills room, only speaking to the girls and will, i was finally on a flight back to glasgow.

the flight to london wasn't too bad as i swapped seats with josh so he was sat with harry and i was sat with talia and simon, they had been really comforting throughout the whole experience.

i hadn't told anyone i was going home except will as i didn't want to make it a big deal, i just needed a little bit of time away.

before i knew it, my dad was picking me up from glasgow airport and we were on our way home, i hadn't told my family about harry and i so that they wouldn't worry.

"beth! i missed you!" brodie exclaimed as he ran downstairs to hug me. i smiled as i embraced my younger brother. "is harry here?!"

"uh, no" i shook my head, trying not to cry again. "he's got a lot of work to do"

"next time?" he asked and i nodded, not wanting to make any false promises.

i made my way to my room and got into bed, feeling extremely exhausted. i pulled out my phone to see that will had texted me a few times, i replied letting him know i had arrived home safely.

the one message i wanted to see wasn't there, which was one from harry, i frowned but covered it up by sticking my phone under my pillow and trying to drift off to sleep, but my thoughts were keeping me awake.

the thought of arriving back to london and not going straight to harry's for cuddles, the thought of having to get my spare key back from him and not coming home from work to him on my sofa with dinner ready.

i ended up group facetiming the girls for a chat, who kept me distracted from everything else.

"so how was the holiday, asides from dickhead to shaw?" mia asked, i smiled softly at her attempt to cheer me up.

"it was nice!" talia exclaimed. "i think we should organise a girls holiday, it would be amazing!"

"you're right!" gee nodded, agreeing with talias statement. "i've always wanted to go to ibiza"

"ooooh a party party!" freya laughed.

"what do you think, beth?" mia asked me.

"yeah, that would be great" i nodded, zoning out every so often.

i heard background noise coming from freya's room and josh walked into frame, giving us a wave.

"beth, you doing okay?" he asked me and i nodded.

"yeah, thanks josh" i told him.

after a little while, we all decided to hang up as everyone had stuff to do. except me. i was alone with my thoughts again.

i still had harry's post notifications on so when my phone pinged and i saw his name, my heart skipped a beat, until i saw it was just another tweet.

@wroetoshaw : no uploads this week guys, sorry just got a lot going on just now. ❤️

i sighed as i placed my phone down again, my hopes being shattered as i thought he had texted me.

i wanted to text him so badly, but what could i say? everything had already been said, i had no choice but to stay silent.

my phone was going mad, people realising that i was in scotland and not with harry, plus what he had tweeted so they were really digging deep and trying to figure out what had happened.

matthew had texted me a few times asking if i was okay but in all honesty, i definitely wasn't.

and i know he's just a boy and i shouldn't let it get me this upset but holy shit, it felt like i had been whacked by a tonne of bricks.

and i couldn't get the blonde, guernsey boy out of my head.

hi sorry this is a really short filler bc i am unmotivated af <333

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