twenty four

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"so, how was your date with mia?" i asked will as i sat down on his couch, clutching my laptop in my hand.

"it wasn't a date!" will exclaimed, throwing a cushion in my direction. "i asked her if she wanted to go for coffee and then she came back to my place after to hang out"

"sounds like a date to me" i shrugged, criss crossing my legs as i scrolled through netflix for something for us to watch.

"i mean, i was planning on asking her on a proper date" will mumbled, his face going a slight shade of pink.

"awwww" i smiled. i was so happy for will, finally finding someone as the whole time i had known him, he was never a dating type. "mia is proper nice as well, you'd make a good couple"

"you just want me to be less lonely, admit it" will laughed as he stood up to go through to the kitchen. "want a beer?"

"no, thanks" i shook my head and he shrugged his shoulders before going into the kitchen, coming back with a budweiser in his hand, he threw a packet of something at me which startled me.

i picked up the pink packet which he had tossed at me to see that it was a bag of percy pigs, my favourite sweets.

"you're a bloody legend" i smiled as i opened the packet and ate one.

"i know" he said, shrugging it off.

i ended up casting drag race to the tv for us to watch while we waited for gee to get home from talias, we were going to watch the new avengers movie and order chinese food like the old days.

"hey, mia just texted me and told me she's locked out of her apartment, do you mind if she comes here til a locksmith comes?" will asked me as he read off his phone.

"of course, why are you even asking, it's your apartment" i laughed.

"i know but i invited you for a catch up and i don't wanna make it seem like i'm throwing away our time to hang out with a lass" he shrugged.

"oh, don't be daft" i smiled. "mia is my friend, i love spending time with her, so it's a win-win situation"

will smiled and texted mia back, making me grin, he was so whipped and he knew it.

after a little while, mia had joined us and we were just waiting for gee to get home but she was taking ages, which was abnormal.

"gee just texted" will said. "she's not gonna make it tonight because all the tubes have been delayed so she's just gonna stay at talias place"

"that's a shame" i frowned. "oh well, next time we'll have our proper movie night"

i looked over to mia who was wearing a worried expression.

"you okay?" i asked her quietly.

"yeah! i'm fine" she reassured me, also whispering "i just feel bad for intruding, i know you and will are so close and i've proper ruined you guys' night"

"mia, honestly, you're more than welcome" i told her. "if it makes you feel any better, i could invite harry, like a double date?"

"oh! definitely!" she said, louder, clapping her hands. "i cant wait to meet him, the boy who stole beths heart"

"oh, stop" i laughed. "hey will, is it okay if harry joins us?"

"definitely, tell bog he can pick up the food" he said with a laugh.

"bog?" mia asked and i didn't even know how to respond because i had no idea where the nickname originated.

"long story" will laughed.

i pulled out my phone and sent harry a quick text which he responded to almost immediately.

i'll be there in about a half hour, do you need anything? X

i smiled and asked if he could bring me my hoodie that i left at his as i knew it'd get cold later on.

we then watched a few more episodes of drag race and spoke about life in general, will told us about the new video he was in the process of filming and mia was considering starting a twitch.

i smiled as i realised i proper wanted to stream again, but myself instead of hopping into will and gee's streams occasionally.

before i knew it, harry was at the door, will let him in and he came straight into the living room.

"you alright? i'm harry" he smiled in mias direction making her shoot a smile back.

"nice to meet you, i'm mia"

he then turned to me and chucked a hoodie, which definitely wasn't mine, in my direction.

"i couldn't find your hoodie, i think i put it in the wash" he shrugged. "this is the newest sidemen hoodie, it's nice, right?"

i unfolded it to see if was similar to the colour block one i already had but it was different tones of blue, it was really nice and i always loved harry in blue clothing, it made his eyes pop.

"cute, i love it" i smiled and i refolded it and placed it next to me as harry sat down next to me, will passing him a beer.

"good, because it's yours" he nodded. "it's not released yet but i got an extra one when i got mine, because i knew you'd try to steal mine"

"oi, i don't even have the cow print one yet" will complained from the other sofa. "how's this fair?"

"well, i'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's because you're not shagging him" mia shrugged. "that's got to count for something"

i felt my cheeks heat up as i looked at harry who had his face in his hands.

"i'm kidding! gosh" mia laughed. i loved how open and straightforward mia was, especially seeing as she had known harry for a whole two minutes.

"so, who wants to order food?" i asked, changing the subject but will was still laughing at mias statement.

after a while, we were all sat around the table, tucking into chinese food, laughing and joking. harry was telling us about the latest sidemen sunday they were filming, it was another tinder video.

"i'm telling you, we're scamming a living!" he ranted as he took a swig of his beer. "chat a few girls up, get a reaction and boom, first on the trending page"

"you don't need to chat the lasses up anymore, you can just take the piss" will shrugged.

"i cant be too brutal, i'll get cancelled again" harry said letting out a laugh making everyone laugh but i was too caught up in thought.

the thought of having to watch harry flirt with girls was enough to make me feel a bit sick, even if it was just for a video.

i looked up at the blonde boy who was sporting a smile as he made eye contact and i knew that everyone would be okay.

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