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I felt as though I was in hell. I couldn't bear to blink my eyes as it turned blurry. My body shook as I took in the state my wife was in. She was lying on bed, her arms tied to the bedpost. Her beautiful face covered with soil, mud and tears. She looked lifeless. 

My legs carried me to her as an officer undid her arms. I instantly scooped her up in my arms leaving the shitty place. I rushed into the car as I ordered Lucas to drive to the nearest hospital. The police can do whatever shit they want as my priority was Lily. A tear slipped from my face as I held her close to my body. She was as cold as ice.

I could see Lucas glancing from time to time. His eyes glistened as his knuckles turned white, gripping the steering wheel. I thought how a person can get others wrapped around her little fingers. 

"We are here sir!", he yelled getting out and opening the door for me. I slipped her onto the stretcher yelling for the doctors.
"Please, somebody help my wife!!!"

A nurse came and took her into a room. She pushed me out, " Sir, please wait here"

"That's my goddamn wife. LET ME IN!!", I shouted at the nurse trying to push past her.

"Sir, please calm down. We'll take care of the rest", she shut the door on my face making me see red. I was about to break it when I was held back by Lucas and Austin. 

"Man, calm down!", Damien stood in front of me. 
"NO! I need to be by her side"
"Eric, let them do their job. I promise she will get well. For that, you have to settle down. Lily won't like this", Damien played the 'Lily' card. 

I took a few deep breaths and when Damien pulled me into a hug, I broke down. I clutched onto him sobbing feeling guilt, hurt, pain and anger. He let me cry making me sit on the chair, holding me. After a few minutes I stood up, going to the restroom. When I came back, I saw that everybody has arrived. 

Mom was sobbing onto Dad's shoulder while Melissa held onto William. Austin and Lucas were standing staring into space, having an internal battle. I sat near Damien who wiped some of his tears. No one wanted to speak as they were handling each of their pain. It has been half an hour and I was losing myself.

The doctor graced us with his presence, "Who is here for Lily Greyson?"

I shot up from my seat, "I am her husband. Please tell me she is okay"

"Of course, Mr. Greyson. She is fine but sleeping. I would like to speak in private, please. You can bring one more person if you want", he walked into his cabin. 

"Let me come", Damien dragged me after him.

"Okay. She is stable but her body is so weak. By any you abuse your wife, Mr. Greyson?", the doctor asked making my eyes wide.

"I would never raise my hand at her", I exclaimed.

"Well there are whip marks on her stomach. Looks like just inflicted a few moments ago. She also has a bruised cheek and ankle. She may experience vomiting for a few days because of the blow to her stomach. She may also find it difficult to chew and eat. So make sure to give her healthy and nutritious food along with plenty of bed rest. She will wake up in a few minutes and you can go see her", he smiled.

"thank you so much, doc", Damien answered as I couldn't form the words.

"It's my duty, gentlemen. If you'll excuse me", he walked out as we returned to our family. Melissa came running to me, " is she?"

I told her that she was just fine. Mom was hearing too and I couldn't bear seeing everyone cry. I couldn't imagine the way she endured all of the pain for whole two days. 

The past two days has been a mess. I did not shower, did not eat and kept breaking things. Mom and dad tried to control me but nothing worked. I broke whatever I felt like. I kept shouting at the police and Damien's men, even punching some of them. 

Nothing kept me sane like Lily. The moment I saw her was both painful and a huge relief. When one of my fine trackers found her, I did not wait for anyone as I pressed on gas. Police took care of that man and now he has lifetime in jail while my heart was aching for my wife. I was not able to protect her. I made a promise and vowed but I broke it. I was not worthy of her. I didn't deserve her. 

"The patient is awake. You can go see her", a nurse informed us. I shot up to run but looked back at all. They all nodded at me to go ahead first. I couldn't be more happier. Even though I was her husband, it amazed me that my family too loved her to death. 

I entered to see her sipping on water. I let out a huge breath and she turned to look at me. Her eyes teared up and I instantly took her in my arms. She held onto me as we relished each other's presence.

"I'm sorry....angel....sorry", I kept mumbling burying my face into her hair.
She shook her head pulling back, "please don't be"

"I was so scared.....I was a mess...I didn't even know how I survived", I gushed.

The door opened and everybody came in. Melissa and William were the first to hug her. Lily smiled at mom and dad too. Damien and Austin too were worried sick.

The door opened again as the doctor entered.
"How are you feeling Mrs. Greyson?"

"Not better but okay", she replied.
"OK. You are free to discharge but you can decide"
"Please I'll go home", she instantly replied.
The doctor chuckled, "As you wish"


"Yes, bring those files", I cut the call turning towards my beauty on bed. She was staring at me, biting her lip.
I chuckled pulling out of her thoughts. I climbed onto the bed, leaning toward her.

"Penny for your thoughts?", I asked looking at her as she turned pink.

"Nothing, just missed you", she wrapped her arms around me pulling me close. I sat beside her pulling her onto my lap.
"You wouldn't want to know how I was without you angel. I was so broken"

"I saw it when I came home in the morning. It was a disaster", she chuckled. "Now we have to buy many things that you broke"

"I don't care", I smiled as I pressed my lips against hers softly. She moaned tugging at my hair, pulling me close. God! I missed her so much. I pulled back because she must get a lot of rest and tiring her was the least thing on my mind. She unconsciously grinded her bottom straddling me. I gripped her tight to stop her movement when she pouted.

"No, angel. You have to get rest", I said making her angry. She has been getting so much touchy lately. It's not that I mind as I found myself craving her but her body has to heal. I did not allow her to even step out of the room. 

"Eric, please. I feel these new sensations for the first time and I know that only you can make that go away. Please", she mumbled as her lips brushed mine. 

I was so tempted to take her right there. I was not able to deny her when she was pleading like that. She has no need to ask. Even if she commands, I was ready to get on my knees for her. Her body was making it hard for me to control. I groaned feeling myself getting hard just by her voice.

Is that even possible? Is it legal?
For fuck sake, Eric! You are just talking to her!!
NO! Stop it!!

I laid her on the bed, caressing her sides as she searched my eyes. I pecked her lips twice gently. 
"Your health is more important. You still are not able to eat properly and it takes time for your stomach to heal. Until then I'm not gonna tire you. Understand?", I said.

"Alright", she mumbled. She chewed her lips, fidgeting with her hands. I could feel that she wanted to say something and that she was keeping something from me.
"Sweetheart. You can say everything to me. I'm your husband and I want only your safety. Do you have something to say?" 

It took a while to answer. Then she replied a small 'no'. I sighed and got up to bring her dinner. 

There was something she was not saying and I was determined to find out.............

His Innocent Wife  *(COMPLETED)*Where stories live. Discover now