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"A few weeks.. I promise." Ok.. I broke a promise, I am so sorry! It's been like two months, I've been so busy and stressed recently, I haven't really given this story a second thought. But it is now 11pm, I am laying in bed and thought I shall give you all a quick update, yaknow to show I'm still alive and grateful for you guys who have stuck with me, supported me and well.. the ones who actually read this. 

Thankyou. I love you all&stay strong. Remember you can always DM me if you're feeling down etc or struggling. I want to support and help as many people as possible, you can always ask for my number or something -if UK- and I will text you and be there to listen.



I was skyping Wilmer when my phone began ringing.

"Oh hang on a second babe, Lottie is phoning, probably asking to stay over or something." I laughed, answering the phone.

"DEMI! DEMI!" She screamed down the phone.

"Urr, hiya Lottie, whats up?" I chirped.

"No. No time for conversations Demi. It's Miyah." 

When she said that my heart stopped, then began beating so fast, I felt a sweat coming on and my face dropped.

"What is it?!" I panicked.

"Leah is back, she showed a horrid video about her for the video project, Miyah lost it, practically attacked Leah and ran out, I saw her leave the school gates but couldn't catch up to her quick enough. Demi what if she's done something stupid." Lottie gulped.

"Oh my god, why did the school even let that.. wait no time. Ok thank-you Lottie, I'm going to try and phone Tristan and then the police, please let me know if you hear anything." 

I hung up and turned to face Wilmer.

"Demi. What's happened?" He asked. 

"Can't talk, Miyah, Leah, I don't know. Talk later." I then flipped my laptop lid down.

I picked up the phone and dialled Miyah first. It rang and rang then I reached her voicemail.

"Miyah, please baby girl; don't do anything stupid, please phone me and come home, I love you." 

I then phoned Tristan, on the second ring he answered.

"Before you say anything Demi, I know, I also happen to know where she is, she sounds as if she is in a right state and I am fearing for her life, she sounded like she might do something stupid." I sighed.

"Tristan. Where is she?."

"Ok, I promised, but I'm so scared Demi, please go to her." He sounded like he was crying.

"Well it would help if I knew where she bloody was." I snapped.

He began to tell me where she was, a field, of one of the motorways, sat near a large tree. I took mental notes and ran to the car, not even bothering to buckle my seat belt. I was just concerned for Miyah. My beautiful baby girl, made to feel this way, like she was worthless, every day because of one person. 

After about 10 minutes of driving - over the speed limit, I reached the place Tristan had told me. Rain pelted down around my car. I parked up and stepped out, looking around for this tree. In the distance I could see it. Before I could even think I began sprinting, sprinting towards this tree. The ground was a muddy slosh, but I didn't care. I needed to see if she was ok. 

As I reached closer to the tree I could see a figure sat on the ground, head hung low. Sobs came from her. It was Miyah.

"MIYAH!" I screamed, still sprinting.

She didn't move.

"Oh my god. MIYAH!" I screamed again, hoping she just hadn't heard me over the storm.

I reached her side, I could see her chest rapidly rising and falling, I could see tears rolling down her cheeks, yet she didnt move. She shook violently from the cold and was soaked through. 

I sat down next to her and pulled her into my arms. Squeezing her so tight.

"Baby, you haven't done anything stupid have you?" I whispered, stroking her wet, matted hair.

Her fists were clenched tightly, through the cracks between her fingers I could see blood, coming from the palm of her hand. I took her hand and peeled her fingers apart, inside her clenched fist was a blade. There seemed to be no obvious cuts, but this one on her hand, where she had squeezed her fists together so tight.

"I couldn't do it Demi. I wanted to so bad, I wanted the pain to go away. But this blade. It didn't even feel right to think about it." She gasped, between sobs.

I pulled her in tighter, holding her. Sat in the pouring rain. I held her. Cherished every moment. Grateful she didn't attempt to take her life.

Angry for what Leah had done.

I stood up, pulling Miyah up with me, I then sweeped her into my arms, carrying her limp body as she sobbed and walked back to the car.

When we reached the car I slipped her into the back, laying her across the seats and drove us home, once home I carried her and took her into the bathroom. 

She remained silent, the only sounds that came from her was her heavy breathing and a few sobs. 

I carefully wrapped a towel around Miyah and took of her school uniform. I replaced it with pyjamas and combed through her hair. Afterwards I carried her and laid her in my bed, tucking her in. Her eyes were shut as soon as I laid her down and her breathing steadied.

My poor baby.


Sorry for the shiity chapter, it's sorta late, idk what I'm doing and I cba to proof read >> so sorry for mistakes, if it's boring or doesn't  make sense.

It's a filler chapter for like when I get round to doing more.

Sorry ><

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