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"Miyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Tristaaaaaaaaaaaaan!" I yelled up the stairs.


"I ordered pizza!" I called back.

Down the stairs, Miyah skipped, looking a little flustered, following closely behind, Tristan was. 

"What pizza did you get?" She questioned me.

"Just cheese, your favourite." I giggled, pushing her towards the kitchen.

Tristan and Miyah sat at the breakfast bar with the box of pizza flipped open, them taking slices and eating it, giggling with eachother. 

I left them two and made my way into the living room, sitting on the sofa I flicked on the TV and ate my pizza. After finishing I waited a little bit, thought I'd leave them two to themselves. Just as I was about to stand up my phone began to buzz in my pocket. 


"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Marissa!" I chimed down the phone.

"Demsssss, hey I was wondering, is it okay if I come down? Stay with you for abit whilst my house gets work? Your mum said I can stay at hers, but you promised I could come down and see your new place anyway." She giggled.

"Yeah sure! You can either share my room, or I've spare rooms for Maddie and Dallas, or Mom and Eddie, so take your pick when you get here." 

"Okay, I will book the first tickets over, wait a second." I could hear her tapping on a keyboard. "Ooh, I can get a plane ticket for tonight, leaving this evening. Could you get me from the airport? Probably tomorrow morning it would be." She said.

"Of course Marissa, do you have enough money? I can pay for flights or something?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have plenty; anyway I couldn't ask for money, the fact that you would let me stay with you for a while anyway, haha." 

"Okay, text me when you get here, love youuuu Marrrrrrr!" 

"Love you too Dems." 

I stood up and walked into the kitchen, Miyah and Tristan were still talking.

"Marissa was just on the phone, she is coming to stay with us for a while." I said, putting away the pizza boxes.

"Yay." She giggled.

"Tristan, it's 10, do you want a lift?" I asked him.

"Urrr, no it's okay." He said. "Mum said she would come and get me." He stood up hugging Miyah. "Thank-you Demi for inviting me over, see you soon Miyah."

Miyah showed him to the door and I went up for a shower.



My phone rang and vibrated. I glanced over and the bright light from my phone blinded me. Marissa had text me. 'Demi, the plane literally just landed. Helloooo UK.'

Quick as anything I leaped out of bed, running to the bathroom I brushed my hair and teeth then put on trackies and a hoodie. Bursting into Miyahs room it was 5:30. I shook her awake. She mumbled a few words and threw herself out of bed. 

"Quick quick." I rushed.

She kept her pyjamas on and her hair was still in two messy plaits. We got into my car and began to drive to the airport, I had text Marissa to say we had left, it was only a 20 minute drive and by time we got there she probably would just be ready after collecting her luggage and going though passport control. 

Pulling up outside the airport we waited, Marissa came out, with two large suitcases and a holdall. Me and Miyah both climed out the car and loaded her suitcases into the back, I reunited with Marissa by launching myself into her arms and kissing her cheek. Miyah gave her a small hug and climbed into the backseats, whilst Marissa sat in the front with me, before going home we stopped of at Mcdonalds and brought breakfast. We all had a sausage and egg mc muffin and a hot chocolate.

We got home and I took Miyah upstairs, she's chosen to stay in Maddie and Dallas' room, we set up her stuff and me, Miyah and her sat in the living room and watched a film.

How I love having my best friend back.


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