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Ok. Ok. I know updates have been slow. I'm getting kinda bored of this? Like is the story still running good????  Idek? I need your opinions. 



I've been stuck staring at the same four walls for four days.


I'm surprised I still have some sanity. Deep down there must be some. 

Literally I am not allowed out of this room; they bring my food to me and everything. I must have improved enough to be let out? I HAVE DONE NOTHING FOR FOUR WHOLE DAYS. I can't even see Demi. Not even a phone call. 

I was handstanding against a wall when I heard the door unlock. The clanging of the key in the lock then the door jolted open. A nurse was stood in the door way. 

"Miyah. Do you feel ready to mix again and return to your own room?" She questioned.

I nodded. Smiling. She held the door open and gestured me to follow her. Flipping down from my handstand I followed her out of the acute corridor and back down the more familiar part of the unit. Finally I saw my room again. The door was wedged open slightly and it was just how I left it.

I closed the door behind me and collapsed onto my bed. 

It feels so nice to atleast have a part of me back. I haven't been stripped from everything.


Since being out of the acute corridor Demi had visited everyday.

I'd been out and back in my room for two weeks now.. and I've put on 5lbs. They keep upping my portion sizes. It is so hard. But I have to get better. I need to get better for Demi. I got told this morning by my psychiatrist that they would be discussing home leave for me this weekend. I really hope I get home leave. I would get two days at home. I can spend them with Demi. 

Oh god I miss her so much. I've been so stupid. It's just the bad thoughts. That voice inside my head. Constantly screaming bad things at me. The bullies also. But since being here; the voice has died abit. I don't hear it as much... usually when I'm eating. It tells me I'm fat and should stop. Sometimes it is really bad I can't eat atall. And just cut after each meal time.

I few hours later there was a loud and stern knock at my door. I stood up and plodded over towards the door. One of the male nurses was stood there.

"Miyah, the team and I have been discussing and you have been allowed home leave this weekend!" He smiled.

"Oh my god. Yaaayy. Thankyou." I was beaming.

"Buuut." He cut me off. "Aslong as from now till Saturday morning you keep up the good behaviour." 

I flopped onto my bed. I couldn't stop smiling.

In two days. I would be allowed home for the night. Sleep in my own bed. 

At dinner time I walked into the dining hall and met my dietitian. She was waiting at a table with two plates. Mine had a lump of mash potato, two sausages and peas. Picking up the cutlery is probably the hardest part. I spooned the first lot of peas into my mouth and chewed them to a pulp and swallowed. I ate all the peas, followed by half a sausage and a spoonful of mash. I pushed the plate away. 

"Done." I exclaimed. Standing up.

My dietitian stared at me, and tutted. "Abit more please Miyah?" 

"I-I-,I'm full." I muttered. Leaving the dining hall.

Rushing straight back to my room I picked up a bobby pin, I'd taken the plastic off leaving it sharp. With a few swift moves I scratched my arms. Feeling relieved. 


At 10pm the call for lights out came. I quickly hopped into bed. Praying that Saturday would come quicker.

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