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I have been out of treatment for two weeks now, it has been tough. I can't say that I haven't cut or felt guilty after eating a meal, I am still not recovered; but on my way to recovery slowly and surely.

Demi has been my rock though, without her in all honesty I really wouldn't be here. She has kept me strong, and lovatics have started liking me, well some. I went back to school last week and only have a few weeks before I jet off to America to meet Demi's family. I am so excited. Being back at school was good in some ways, Josie and Lottie had been amazing and supportive. Amy, Leah and Carly hadn't really had much to do with me, I'm guessing the head teacher told everyone what I tried to do, everyone was being super awkward around me. The teachers keep asking if I am okay, and I am still attending counselling every tuesday and thurday. 

Sundays are lazy days for me and Demi. All we do is lounge around in our pjs and watch movies all day. 

"Guess what!?" Demi beamed in my face.

"Whattttttt?" I whined back.

"IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY TOMORROW." She shouted at me.

"Oh yeah." I remembered.

Yawning I trailed off to bed. Laying in bed my mind was racing. So many thoughts.


"GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFUL BIRTHDAY GIRL." I was awoken by Demi sat on me.

Yawning I sat up, rubbed my eyes and glanced over at the clock. 10am.

"Ur, thankyou." I smiled.

She leant in and hugged me and placed a sparkly wrapped gift on my lap. I stared at it and she nudged me to open it. I began to unwrap the sparkly pink paper, until I reached a small bow-tied gift box, I undone the bow and moved tissue paper out the way. Laying in the box was a gold bracelet. The bracelet had a lovatic heart charm hanging off, a music note and in the middle of the two charms was a gold bar with 'Miyah' engraved into it. 

"I..I..It's beautiful" I hugged her again. 

She fastened the clasp on over my wrist and smiled.

"Come downstairs.." She pulled me out of bed. 

Toby followed us down, close at my feet. Over by the sofa was a pile of gifts. 

"Demi you shouldn't have." I said.

"It is like your first proper birthday, and first birthday with me so.."

I sat on the sofa and stared at the presents.

Picking up the first one I ripped it open. I held the I-pad in my hand.

"Oh my god, thankyou!" I called to Demi who was making coffee.

I continued opening them.

A i-pad case,

A whole bunch of dvds,

Light blue denim dungarees, 

a white lace top,

white converse,

navy blue vans,


and a A3 envelope.

I slowly flipped open the envelope and opened the huge card. Inside £200 fell out onto my lap. I began to read the message Demi had elegantly wrote.


I cannot imagine how my life would be if you hadn't turned up through my window.

You have dramatically impacted my life. 

You are a strong, beautiful independant woman; never forget that.

You are now fourteen and closer to being an adult and not needing me anymore. But I will always be here for you Miyah, for aslong as I live.

Happy Birthday.

I love you so much.

Demi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I couldn't help shed a tear reading that card. I quickly stood up and ran to Demi, squeezing her so tightly.

"Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou!" I shouted at her. 

She hugged me back. "That's okay baby, oh I have another surprise for you later." She winked, handing me a coffee.

I sat at the table eating my slice of toast and slurping my coffee, admiring my bracelet sparkling in the morning sun.

I looked up at the time again, 11:30am.

"You better hurry up." Demi winked again. "We've got to go at 12:30."

I giggled, running up the stairs. Toby following me. He seemed to have become very attached.

Looking through my wardrobe I pulled of my pjs and put clean underwear on. I lathered my arms and legs in bio oil and picked up my lace t-shirt and light blue jeans. Pulling them over my head I slid into my chair in front of my dressing table. Applying eyeliner carefully along the top and bottom of my eyelid I took a deep breath. A fresh start. Today will be a fresh start. I slicked mascara over my lashes and a dash of lip gloss. My hair was in natural loose waves so I kept them natural, pinning back the side bits.

I ran downstairs, to be greeted by Demi.

"Woah, you look beautiful." She kissed my forehead. "Quickly brush your teeth and we can leave."

After brushing my teeth I slipped on my white converse and followed Demi out the door.

"Where are we going?" I nagged her once in the car. 

"Secret." She smirked. Starting the engine.

After around a 30 minute drive we arrived outside a tall building. Demi grabbed my hand and led me inside. It was dark inside, I didn't have the slighest clue. After three claps the lights flickered on. Around me was so much activity. In one corner was a door saying 'trampoline room', along further was 'indoor skydiving experience' and in the room was giant sumo suits and another door saying 'zorbing'.

"Oh my god, this looks amazing!" I beamed. 

"I'm glad you like it, because I certainly do." She giggled.

I heard giggling then behind me Josie and Lottie popped out holding gift bags and balloons. I ran over and hugged them. Opening the gift bag from Josie I smiled. She got my lipstick, nail varnish and a t-shirt. I then took Lotties gift bag and opened it, inside was a photo frame with a picture of Lottie, Josie, Demi and Me at my sleepover. The frame was hand decorated with shells. 

"Thankyou so much!" I hugged both of them once again. 

"So then, what activity first?" Demi butted in.

"urrr...  ZORBING." I screamed. 

Opening the zorbing door we were outside on the top of a massive hill. A man helped us each into a ball and we rolled down the long hill all together. I noticed there was a photographer taking pictures. Hysterically laughing we rolled around crashing into each other at the bottom. After a few more goes I decided that we should try the skydiving experience. Walking into a dome air started blowing rapidly, my legs were swooped off the floor and I was floating around. Demi and Lottie and Josie all with me. It was hilarious. Especially after when we were trying to run around in sumo suits. I thought it would be funny if we took the sumo suits into the trampoline room, which is what we did. Bouncing into each other we were crying with laughter.

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