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Twisting, turning paths. I didn't know which one to pick. I could hear Demi's voice, calling for me. But there was louder voices, blocking her quiet calm voice out. The louder voices grew. Booming in my ears. I crouched to the ground to cover my ears. 

"Miyah. We're going to get you. Miyah we know where you live." I knew exactly who them two men were. Repeating them words. 

Bolting up in bed, dripping with sweat I sighed. I was in my new room. They wouldn't be able to get me now. Would they? They didn't know where I was now. Did they? I curled up in a ball and began whimpering. My eyes filling with tears and splashing to the ground. I needed that release. I needed something to calm me down before I tore this house down. I gazed around my room. Everything here was new. I had nothing, no secret hiding spaces. Nothing sharp. I'm pretty sure Demi took care of that herself before we moved in. I turned around and jumped back, startled. Demi. Demi was fast asleep in bed next to me. I needed to get out. Looking at the clock it was 6:00am. I quickly slipped out of bed, ran down the stairs into the boot room. I put on a pair of trainers and my old grey hoodie and burst out the door. A run. That would take my mind of things. I sprinted down our long cobbled drive along the roads. The sun was rising and the air was crisp. Last day until I returned to school tomorrow. I carried on sprinting; I reached the entrance of the park, so many people, walking their dogs, on a morning sunday run or just an early morning walk. I sat on the first bench. Panting. I fumbled my hands in my pocket until I felt something. Pulling it out I stared blankly at it. My blade. My very last blade. Demi had cleared the rest out, I wasn't even trusted with a razor alone. I carried on staring. Not taking my eyes of it. It felt wrong, it felt like it wouldn't help me. Like it was just a piece of metal. It meant nothing. But maybe I could bring back my reliance. My reliance on a tiny piece of metal. Control my feelings. I was about to relapse, make everything easier again when I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. I jumped so much I dropped my blade and it bounced down the drain. Slowly turning around I was expecting to see Demi. But it wasn't. I had never seen this person in my life. A boy. Stood facing me. His hand still on my shoulder. He stared deep into my eyes. His eyes, a soft chocolate brown were melting me already. He had light brown swept hair. 

"In the drain where it belongs." He sat down next to me.

I stared unable to speak.

"I know what you were thinking. But don't. Just don't do it." He repeated.

"I-I." My face went bright red.

"I'm Tristan." He smiled.

His smile. I can't. I just.

"I-I.. I'm Miyah." I mumbled back. "Why did you stop me?" 

"Well you caught my attention. A pretty girl like you." 

I went red again.

"Anyway. I was going to come over and say Hi. But then I saw the blade. Don't destroy yourself. Don't make that first cut." 

"I.. I kinda already have." I looked away.

"Well you were about to relapse then. Were you not?" He questioned me.

I stared at the floor. Kicking a rock around with my foot.

"My sister was in your position three years ago. Now she's at college, happy and living a life. Mainly because her relapse didn't happen." He grabbed my hand.

Instantly I pulled my hand away. He looked hurt. I just can't get close to a guy. I'm mentally scarred from males. 

"Well Miyah. Could I get your number?" He asked.

I nodded typing it into his phone. As soon as I clicked save, I stood up. Ran home. I'd been out for over an hour now. Demi must be so worried. I'm such a horrible person. I don't ever think of anyone else. Just my self. Stupid Miyah.

Whilst jogging home I couldn't get Tristan out of my mind. He was so attractive. What did he see in me? Pushing open the front door I crept in. Praying Demi would still be asleep. Slipping my shoes and hoodie off I tip-toed up the stairs back into my bedroom. Demi was still asleep. Luckily. I slipped back into bed and wrapped her arms around me. 

She leant over me into my ear and said. "Do you think I'm silly Miyah? Where have you been." 

"I just went for a walk. I had another of them dreams. I just needed some calm time." I stressed.

"Wake me next time baby girl. We can talk." She hugged me.

Slipping out of bed, she grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs. 

"Breaaakfasssssttt" She chimed, pointing at the breakfast bar. 

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a raspberry yoghut and sat on the chair. I span a few times then ripped of my lid. The whole time during breakfast I couldn't stop thinking about Tristan. His eyes, his strong grip. Oh god I'm falling for him. Miyah stop. You barely know him. Jheez girl. Demi joined the table and began eating her cereal. Staring at me she questioned.

"So Miyah, who did you meet on your walk?" She giggled.

"Huh what?" I snapped back into reality.

"That look. You're in loveeee." She teased. Poking me in the ribs.

Wow is it really that obvious. 

"No. Noone." I said bluntly.

"Is that why before you got back you got a text to your phone saying 'Hey it's Tristan. Why did you leave so quick?'.


He text back so quick. I quickly left the table and ran up to my room. Diving on my bed I read the text. He actually did text me.

I replied. 'Hey sorry. I kinda didn't tell Demi I was out and she would have freaked out if not.'

Tristan: Aw it's ok. Who's Demi?

Miyah: A person I live with? Haha I don't know how to describe her. 

Tristan: Ooh, what about your mum? Or Dad?

I felt dread. Mum. Dad. What would I reply to that.

Miyah: I don't know. I've been in care, and well Demi adopted me. But she's more like a bestfriend. 

Tristan: Oooh, can we meet again soon? I want to get to know you better.

My heart stopped. He wanted to see me again.

Miyah: Sure. Next weekend. I'd like that.

I layed back on my bed. I couldn't stop smiling.

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