Part 46

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We happily tried to bridge the language and culture barriers within our little group- I sat with Aziza and jasmine trying to interpret where I could.

Tanaruz did not join us by the fire; she appeared to sleep through everything tucked up tightly under a fur.

She was hiding. Still, the fact that she did not try to escape alone meant there was some hope for her.

Hope for all f us that even though this was not the life we would have chosen; we would be able to adapt. By sticking together.

it was only an hour or so later that the Vikings horn bellowed announcing the arrival of the rest of the fleet.

It broke the atmosphere in the tent; the shield maidens and we captives looked in the direction of the main camp.

We knew what was coming; a judgement.

Rollo would be condemned for treachery and knowing the brothers Halfdan and Harrold they would not accept the judgement of their new ally. If that was the case, then there would have o be some sort of combat...

''will you join lord Bjorn, my lady?'' the one with raven hair -who I learned was called Hilda- asked bringing all eyes to me.

I felt uncomfortable with so many people looking to me for answers... it was like the old days...

''I must go; I will bear witness to Rollo's accusation... I feel there is more to this yet.''

I stood reclaiming my cloak from the floor and fastening it around me once more.

''then we will go with you.'' Hilda said as all began to rise – all but Jasmine Aziza and the three princesses- they tried to retreat inching into the shadows.

''no.'' I stated.

To my surprise I did not receive questions- at least not verbal ones. Their eyes all spoke volumes.

''I will take some of you- Hilda please choose three others to accompany us to the feast. 'she nodded with a prideful smile before she moved towards her comrades.

Magda moved closer before whispering into my ear. ''I don't like the idea of testing their loyalty in thee circumstances, lady.''

''nor I, Magda- which is why I leave you to guard my treasure- '' I looked her in the eyes before continuing ''I can look after myself for now, but I can only rust you and yours with ensuring those under my care do not come to harm. Do you understand Magda?''

Her eyes again shifted to glance at Aziza; it was becoming a habit of hers.

''yes, I understand, my lady.'' She said resigned to my orders.

I smiled grasping her shoulder '' thank you my friend.''

I walked to the back of the tent as I saw Hilda lead three others into the night to collect their weapons.

''I am leaving you in Magda's care.'' I said to Aziza who sat with Jasmine still.

''why mut you go? 'jasmine asked her hand shooting from behind Aziza to grasp my cloak.

''I have allied myself with Bjorn for now...'' saying it felt like a betrayal, but my doubts were many.

I knew how fickle life could be especially when you had gods interfering.

The howl I heard earlier was a reminder of that.

He could abandon you all... the fich fich rose like a serpent from the dark.

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