Part 17

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For a moment I felt the world tip.

Yet as soon as I was certain I would be falling a primitive and angry voice called from the darkness within me. I will not die. But my choice had been made- I thought until a force struck my chest. It wasn't painful- or too painful would be more correct. A pressure suddenly held me sturdily with both feet firmly planted upon the crumbling cliff once more. My eyes opened slowly apprehensive to have Bjorn scold me after saving me again.

But it wasn't the azure gems that met my eyes. I gazed into a pair of bruised berries of madness.

Floki stared at me in confusion with almost a hint of concern.

For a moment we stood in silence as I tried to understand why he saved me. So far these 'savages' had been vexing for the most part. They were impulsive and didn't seem to know their own motives most of the time.

But Floki's gaze dropped to my feet. At first, I thought that he was contemplating grabbing me and finishing the job. But when his eyes didn't lift I looked down with him. My tanned feet looked ruddy against the darkening green grass. But still, the gold paint which outlined my scars were now revealed by the wind. Floki's fingers absently twirled around the air as if he were tracing the images. When I he looked at me again his eyes were expectant as he spoke with hushed excitement. ''you were chosen, weren't you? You can hear...''

He may have elaborated on what exactly he thought that I could hear-had he figured me out?

Finehair gave a gruff comment which didn't seem out of character.

''hey Bjorn you need to watch your little witch or the big bad wolf might come sniffing.'' He followed up his comment with a guffaw at how witty he was- I was surprised he didn't clap.

But he succeeded in getting everyone's attention- yet he didn't hold it as Bjorn's steel gaze was drawn to Floki and I. it was a harsh look that I didn't like being on the receiving end of.

But something dangerous lit inside of me as Bjorn's cold eyes glanced to his brother for a moment to give an order '' tell them that we'll be sailing for safe harbour- this storm will be ferocious as Mjolnir's blows.'' Hvitserk didn't question his brother he only moved to retrace our path to descend.

Then Bjorn set his sights on me once more and moved with a look I had seen in a man's eyes before- as if someone had touched his possession without his permission.

I wasn't his possession.

I was free if not from the gods I was at least free from this sort of shit.

I jutted out my chin and decided to make a stand. If I was going to be forced to stay with these people for however long I would have to show them that I wasn't the meek little field mouse they probably thought I was.

As Bjorn approached I turned back to Floki and gave a shallow bow to show my gratitude. This served to bemuse the men- even Hvitserk paused to scrunch his brow at my action. Then in the midst of their hesitation, I turned on my heel to march to Hvitserk's position. As I passed him Bjorn's eyes tracked my movements but he said nothing with his mouth set in a grimace. I flashed him a scornful look to convey my defiance.

Reaching Hvitserk's I took a cursory glance at the rock face to pick out a safe descent and before any could object I went on my way.

I savoured the descent more than I had when we climbed. I suppose I was in a very similar mindset when I started but as I precariously balanced on small foot holds mostly praying to the gods who brought me here to get me through it safely- I wasn't one to pray nowadays but, I mean, when you've actually met a god you expect some intervention.- I began to cool off and a melancholy took my thoughts.

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