Part 22

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sorry for the late update everyone i have been doing 'stuff 'n things'

but here is a longish one to make up for it

enjoy :D

But after moments of silence as he assessed the scene and I tried to avoid his eyes- well I broke. But it was like a smouldering log suddenly breaks open to ignite a flame once more. I could keep doing this shit. I had to stare him down.

So that's what I did. In the silent and muggy night, I locked eyes with his. His were so cool that I felt they might wash me away but I gritted my teeth and continued my stare. No one in the crowd said anything. The atmosphere was only disrupted when Finehair spoke up and moved from his brother's side to Bjorn's.

''ha- the little witch is causing a lot of trouble for you I think Bjorn'' his tone was light but I felt the air become stale as I waited for him to reveal whatever ulterior motive he had for talking. Bjorn said nothing. His expression was stern but I could almost see his brain working.

''well if you are in need for someone to take her off of your hands then my brother and I would be willing...'' his voice filtered out as Bjorn turned the full power of his brutally offended gaze on the man.

But he wasn't the only one. I turned to the man with a scoff of disbelief at his audacity. he thought that he could own me. It took men with armed garrisons to keep me imprisoned. It took an empire to keep me in check. And they still got nothing from me. Finehair was engaged in a private battle for dominance with Bjorn like two oxen facing off before a fight. Behind him though Halfdan kept his eyes on me and gave a humoured smile at my reaction. I quirked an eyebrow at the blond man who just smiled wider.

I was brought back to the alphas facing off when Floki suddenly moved to Bjors other side. he slithered through the crowd and dipped to whisper in Bjorn's ear. I couldn't hear his words but I could read the reaction on Bjorn's face. Scepticism and worry. He broke the stalemate to address me.

His voice was low but still powerful enough to carry through the air. ''go with Floki.'' It was a simple instruction. And part of me wanted to scamper away shielded by Floki and the way everyone tended to avert their eyes from him. my foot even moved a wary inch in the mud. But the small whimper which suddenly came from the tent drew my attention.

The girls had retreated from the fire to the interior of the tent as Rolf had slipped closer and unsheathed his sword. Distantly I heard Bjorn's voice say something but I was preoccupied with Rolf who edged closer to the tent with no one saying a word to question why he was armed.

I didn't have time to question my instincts this time.

I quickly dropped to grasp the spear once more and lunged into a run to cut Rolf off. I stood in front of the tent with the spear pointed at Rolf.

In the few seconds of silence that followed I felt my very blood sizzle with anticipation; anticipation for a fight where my life was on the line. The rush, the thrill of the life I tried to lock away. To quiet the primitive growl that rumbled in my chest at the idea of stopping another's heart to save my own. It was a life lived for other's entertainment.

The addiction I thought buried was rearing its ugly head.

Thankfully the booming voice which surrounded me, it's fury bouncing around the camp, broke the intensity of my concentration.


I forced myself to look at the mud. To watch the swirling imprints of boots and rain. I had to breathe with the curling trails and relax. I couldn't let the sputtering flames within consume my consciousness- not again. I have survived that life.

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