Part 48

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part 48


Her voice floated in on the night breeze.

I stopped, my sword pressing into the man's chest, he winced as it tried to break through. I could feel the coiled rage urging me on.

''Your path is paved with enough blood- don't weigh yourself with needless death, Asaroul.'' Ragnar said standing behind Bjorn.

I looked up to stare into his blue eyes. Bjorn couldn't help his jolt of fear thinking he was my focus...

''Asariel...'' she called again. Closer now.

Ragnar's expression was pitying. Bjorn startled by the scene before him remained silent and stern.


Jasmine was next to me now her delicate hands steadily moving towards mine. I had her in my periphery as the sword in my bloodied hands trembled. my mind and my soul fought within tearing me apart. As her hands finally crept over my vision of the man beneath me; his eyes wide as I held his life in my hands.

what will you do, Asariel, leader of the dead?

The fich fich itched into my mind. The sword became heavy, my hands inching closer to the man's chest...

''Asariel, come back...''

Tears welled in my eyes as I trembled furiously.

I raised my head looking at Bjorn and the others; they had grouped together with guards putting themselves in my way. A rage bubbled in my chest escaping as a keen scream. with all my furry I launched the sword like a spear for it to dive into the earth a foot from the cowering Vikings.

I stepped away from the beaten man beneath me and towards Jasmine.

Her face, to my surprise, was not twisted in disgust. instead, she waited; her expression soft and welcoming. Her hands reached for mine, and I let her take them.

She smiled sweetly but I couldn't when I looked at my torn and dirty hands gently cradled by jasmines soft and clean ones. I wanted to pull away to stop my soiled soul staining her pure light.

She must have seen my wariness as she brought my hand to her lips, placing a kiss on each. Her pink lips came away and she smiled brightly.

''all is not lost Asariel- we will never abandon you.''

The tears escaped silently and rolled down my cheeks. I looked past Jasmine to see that Aziza and Magda – even Tanaruz- waited in front of the crowd with concerned faces.

Behind me a ruckus started as Bjorn and Finehair commenced arguing about me.

''she is a wild hound! She should be put down!''

''She is my seer Finehair, and I shall be the one to decide her fate!''

''Look at the men Bjorn – your men- the witch is too dangerous to have her free.''

''my men have faith in me. i am no fool- do not make the mistake of thinking that I am...''

I didn't bother to turn around and correct them both on their multiple misconceptions- I was beyond tired as the red mist subsided and the energy left me.

''I have had enough for tonight- shall we go back?'' I asked jasmine and then stared enquiringly at the others.

''yes, we can go back together'' Jasmine said assuring me before she began to lead me away to the others who arranged themselves to take me in to their protective circle.

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