Part 49

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well, I don't believe it! - Another chapter !

but let us remember - 'twice is a coincidence-'' but it's also so a start which i am very happy about.

my health is not good - but I see a way forward now and I feel like life is starting again (in a way...)

Anyway, here it is- I hope you enjoy and thank you all for supporting me - knowing people do like my writing is so encouraging and I will endeavour to get better at the craft xxx

Part 49

we walked towards the fire slowly; Magda fell behind directing the shield maidens to disappear into the wood. Once they had vanished, I quickened my pace towards the flames and the muffled shouts of the hostages.

Fell raised his sword towards the weakened soldier whose body was painted with his own blood. He was too weak to even raise his head whilst Fell laughed over his shoulder to the other men who watched from around the fire.

''shall I take the first head?!'' Fell yelled as he gripped the soldiers hair. He yanked it back to look the boy in the eyes. '' you are a small price to pay for my power''

''drop your sword now, fell, or the first head to roll will be yours!'' I called out as I entered their ring of light.

Fell stared at me as he dropped the soldiers head and let put a thunderous laugh.

"Do you think I would listen to some bitch slave that should have been passed around and thrown into the sea?!" he laughed again turning to his comrades and though they cheered, their spirits seemed to have been dampened by our appearance.

"You have no power over me girl!" he bellowed as he whipped up the soldiers lolling head, taking the sword to his neck

"No!" I screamed my command at Fell but the power did not come as I watched the boys throat slit open.

His laugh struck up again and the other men who remained seated grew more raucous in their cheers. Fell dropped the empty vessel of the boy.

Why! Why does it not come when I call?!

My blood boiled with anger and hatred for Fell and the Gods.

"My lady, maybe we should get Bjorn?" Tori asked eying his old ally warily.

" you should... if you want Fell to survive..."

"my lady?"

I ignored tori's confusion and shook off Magda's tempering hand.

I was tired of this

It was time

Savages only respond to power... now Fell would face my creature.

"Oh! Look! The witch comes- maybe she has seen her own death and would rather be tasted !" He laughed heartily at his vulgarity.

I said nothing as I stalked towards him.

I was 20 ft away. Out the corner of my eye I saw the nerves spread through fells little party as they searched the trees for signs of their men who should have been dispatched already. I kept a steady calm pace to Fell

15 ft

I could smell the blood and taste the tang of metal in my mouth. My stomach flipped. I wanted to heave.

But this was always the case before... before the girl from that cave rose again- their angel of death.

It was like running into a stormy sea; my body recoiled from the sensations that crept into my mind. But my body moved forward. I felt the thrill rise and I wanted more...

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