part 51

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hello all~

I can't really say how good it feels to finally be able to give you another chapter- life is chaos for a lot of us and I just want to say 

that's ok because this too shall pass - that's the way life is.

enough of the melancholia please enjoy a Bjorn pov

 Part 51

"Bjorn..." she spoke my name sounding so far away... it broke the spell of the energy that wrapped around my every fiber and then it was gone suddenly taken by a chill of fear that cut me deeply

I can't let her go

All things faded -the people, the circumstances -I had to get to her.

"Asa" my limbs felt heavy as I found her face twisted by dread.

'What does your witch say now Bjorn? That it was elves?'' Fine hair chortled.

No one else did.

jumped down to the mud to go to her my axe instinctively gripped firmly at my side.

''what is wrong, Asa?'' I watched and waited for her answer. people shuffled away whilst those on the Dock watched with interest. I knew fine hair wanted to be my king.

But I would never take the knee for him.

I also knew that I had the people in my palm and threw them away when she sounded so distant from me.

I stared at her as lips parted to breathe a name I hadn't thought of as being of any significance to me


Her eyes held their golden lure and drew me in. As I drowned in the fear of being cast out as Ragnar had and in the dread of losing this woman my chest ached to break open and expel the pressure within. But I waited in silence before she answered.

"Bjorn you must sound the alarm she has come for blood" Asa pleaded her hand twitching to grab hold of me.

I could hear her desperation but... I hesitated.

Could I really trust this woman? The darkness whispered

"What do you mean.?" I stalled. fear crept over me... I felt tainted by its delicate touch.

Then in the distance screams rose into the night the fringes losing light as warriors fell.

The fear was replaced swiftly by deep anger that summoned an old friend: blood lust.

'Shield wall! Shield wall!" I bellowed amidst the confusion. Vikings reacted with instinct; shields interlocked and pushed the French soldiers back.

The dull chime of metal rang through the night as swords battered the wall.

But they didn't give.

The hounds of Hel could have come at them, and the wall would hold. Men looked to each other as the flanks began to ease withdrawing too securely.

''Hold!'' I called as they came to plant their shields to fan out from the river.


Her voice roared from the darkness as flames appeared on the fringes of our defense.

She wasn't aware of where her men were – that told me she had rushed into this

She wanted Rollo above all.


I called to her feeling all of the anger bubble up raring for a fight.

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