6. Convincing The Gentleman & Mr. Cheese (Part 1)

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Player slowly, but surely, trudged his way towards Security, knowing full well that bringing the hat and cheese duo back to their senses was certainly not an easy feat.

Major conflicts have struck for both individuals in different ways and Player would have to consider his next choice of words carefully.

He peeked out of the bottom corner and it didn't even come to his attention that The Gentleman was wearing a dashing ebony looking tuxedo to compliment his two tophats.

The Gentleman was currently sobbing due to the events of the previous game, and Mr. Cheese, his dear partner, comforted him and tried to elevate his low self-esteem.

Mr. Cheese: Don't worry, The Gentleman! I think you look astounding in that outfit of yours! Don't take his awful remarks to heart.

The Gentleman: Thank you, Mr. Cheese. At least someone appreciates my sense of fashion!

Wiping some of the tears away, The Gentleman noticed a familiar face appear behind him, shaking and trembling.

Player knew of the damage he could wreak upon Mr. Cheese, and didn't even want to know what would become of himself, face to face, right at this moment.

The Gentleman: Mr. Player, stop quivering in the corner, over there and kindly refrain from interfering in our little couture!

Player was slightly relieved to hear that wasn't as bad as he expected and edged himself away from the corner.

Player: Sorry, The Gentleman. Not to interrupt, but, this is kinda urgent.

Mr. Cheese caught on to this and attempted to take advantage of his weakness of gullibility.

Mr. Cheese: What? As in to kill us both, to further your chances of getting a win? Yeah, nice try, moron!

Player: Wait, how did you know I'm an Impostor for this match?

The Gentleman: It's quite obvious, if you actually put the tiniest amount of effort into thinking, that you've easily given yourself up, by revealing yourself to be one, just now. A classic hook, line and sinker by Mr. Cheese!

Player only just realised what he mentioned and in his mind, he was slamming his head on the floor several times, in regret. He thought he would have learned from his mistakes, already.

Mr. Cheese took a bow and an audience could be heard clapping and cheering in the distance.

Mr. Cheese: I thank you!

Before long, The Gentleman was satisfied at witnessing this spectacle unfold and decided to end the match, knowing he didn't have to put in any effort.

The Gentleman: Come along, Mr. Cheese! Let's vote out Mr. Player, and let him lose yet again to teach him a valuable lesson in trust.

Player: Wait! Before you leave, just hear me out for a couple moments of your time, please!

The Gentleman: Mr. Player, you've settled in for more than a couple moments! I will not be wasting any more time listening to your whining about keeping your identity a secret!

Player: It's not that! It's about what happened earlier in the game that took place before! Please!

The pair had almost just left the room and looked back to see Player on his knees and clasping his hands together, as a sign that he was begging for their attention, before it was too late.

Both Crewmates agreed, despite looking and sounding impatient, but were a little curious on the topic he just mentioned.

The Gentleman and Mr. Cheese: Fine...

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