17. Final Goodbyes

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Unified, everyone partook in the festivity held none other by the silver commander himself and had an absolute blast. Cachinnation and merriment were the two key components present, as you would expect with any other wicked party and memories of this little get-together were locked in their minds. Truly an unforgettable experience.

Unfortunately, it dawned on the crew that this couldn't be everlasting, much to their dismay. Besides, the expenditure for even preparing the party was sky high and Captain is not considered the wealthiest bean in the world. Luckily, the rest of the ensemble covered for him and shared the amount equally.

Soon thereafter, the following weekday arrived and Player spawned back in the vapid lobby. However, he appeared to bear a gloomy charisma, contrary to his upbeat counterpart. He trudged along coming to terms with reality as it metaphysically strikes him on his visage.

It only took approximately a second for Captain and Veteran to detect the iconic beanie before being filled with delight. Although the party was officially over, the familiar companion instantly cheered them up.

Veteran: Hey, what's up, Player, or should I say... "Winner"?

Captain: Heya, bestie! You were on fire last night! Not literally, though, because I would have had to douse you in water, and I do not want to be sued!

Veteran returned a sarcastic eye roll to the heroic leader, snarkily remarking his ongoing income issue.

Veteran: Yeah, it's not like you're still in excessive debt, pal.

Captain merely shook his head and proved Veteran otherwise by informing him of his newfound practical "solution", which left the crown wearer in incredulity.

Captain: Not a problem, anymore! I simply sold The Gentleman's tophats at a local auction. Turns out they were highly sought after by millionaires!

Veteran: Wait, so you just-

Captain: Yep, and he still hasn't noticed today! I just spray painted some cardboard tubes and glued them together! Because that's what a real best friend does!

Ignoring his technical methods and inner workings, Veteran crossed his arms forcefully and grumbled in vexation, continuing this bad blood between the white and yellow Crewmates, surrounding their friendship dilemma.

Player unintentionally eavesdropped on their conversation and it quickly became apparent that Captain inadvertently wasted his hard earned funds, considering the newest tophat he purchased cost a fortune.

The former Player would have released his pent up anger on Captain, for creating a horrific mistake and would blame his incompetence. However, this new Player had turned over a new leaf and instead bursted out guffawing in complete glee, appreciating Captain for who he is, not wanting him to change for the better.

The laughter soon dissipated and he reverted back to his melancholy, glum frame of mind letting out a depressed sigh. Veteran and Captain gazed upon each other, with extreme distress in their eyes and focused all their attention on the sulking coral Crewmate.

Veteran: Yo, why the long face? You didn't think that whole shebang was a dream, did you?

Player: No, it's not that.

Player couldn't fib to the group about his withheld information and decided to disclose the aforementioned bad news, bracing himself for the disappointment soon to follow from his fellow Crewmates.

Player: Guys..... I'm not gonna have time to play Among Us for quite a while.

Consecutive sonorous gasps filled the entire waiting area, and Player proceeded to hang his head in shame knowing his time to up and leave immediately did not sit well with the crew.

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