7. Convincing The Gentleman & Mr. Cheese (Part 2)

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Player decided this was the opportune time to explain things from his perspective and to try and clear the air.

Player: Look, I know you're gonna think I'm mentally insane for saying this, but, I didn't actually say any of that nasty stuff to either of you.

The duo inevitably refused his claim and shrugged it off as false.

The Gentleman: Don't make me laugh, Player! Now, you're just making yourself look like a fool as well as bearing a terrible persona.

Mr. Cheese: Yeah, what's next? You're gonna tell me that Mr. Egg is better than me and is starting to hang out with The Gentleman? Ha! Give it a rest, loser!

Player: No, listen to me.

Player continues and focuses his attention on The Gentleman for now. It's best to handle this from a steady angle.

Player: The Gentleman, I know I've mentioned how weird and insane those two tophats were, in the past.

The Gentleman: And, you made that precisely clear, my dear felon!

Player: But, don't you think it's a little out of the blue, for me to insult you like that? I've never held an intense grudge against you, before. That honour goes to Mr. Cheese, over here.

Mr. Cheese didn't take this comment lightly, of course.

Mr. Cheese: Watch it, dork!

The Gentleman: Hmm...

The Gentleman raised one of his eyebrows, slightly annoyed that that was a fact that didn't need to be established, again. Nevertheless, he allowed Player to proceed.

Player: And since, when do I brag and influence about my outfit choice? Heck, I'll go even further and question why I would ever mock your words and speech patterns? If you took on my distasteful advice, who knows what you might have become! You might not even be recognisable to Mr. Cheese, and he adores you for who you are!

The Gentleman glanced out of the corner of his eye at Mr. Cheese, who lightly grazed against his shoulder. He blushed for a moment, before realising Player was still communicating with him and went back to an unimpressed mood.

Player: Don't ever change who you are, The Gentleman. You're awesome, as your present self!

The Gentleman's patience was being tested at this point and it was becoming tiresome for him to drone on. Not even a smirk was shown during their entire conversation.

The Gentleman: Charming little speech, Mr. Player. But, I'm afraid I can't forgive what you've done! It's going to require something fascinating and redeemable for me to change my mind!

Player began to understand it was almost impossible to convince him, just through mere words. Time was ticking away and choices were extremely limited as to what to do.

He was puzzled in thought for a few seconds, before coming to the conclusion that desperate times call for desperate measures.

Player: Okay, if you insist.

Player reaches behind himself and hands over a substantially large, carefully wrapped up box.

The Gentleman: Hm? A present? For me?

Player: I was just mentioning the present, a moment ago. So, I kinda thought that was a neat, little attention to detail!

Player nervously laughed at his own little play on words, however, The Gentleman simply shook his head in disappointment, in response.

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