°Blind Date°

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((Colby's POV))

"Jake why did you do that?!" I groaned after my friend Jake Webber told me he is setting me up with one of his friends to go on a blind date. I have no interest in dating. The last time I was in a relationship I got cheated on and on some occasions gotten r*ped and abused. Even though it was almost a year ago, I do not want to be romantically involved with anyone.

"I promise you, my friend is amazing! They are super kind and loving. You have nothing to be worried about. Plus you haven't left your apartment in months! You need to get out." Jake told me. "Okay, fine! But I won't enjoy it." I rolled my eyes. "We'll see about that." Jake grinned.

~Time Skip~

It was 6:15 pm right now and I was getting ready for the date which was at 6:30. I just finished drying off after my hot shower, so now it was time to get changed.

I already had my outfit laid out on my bed so I didn't have to stress about what to wear later on. Yes I don't want to go out on a date-especially with someone I have never met-but that doesn't mean I can't wear something decent.

This is what I was wearing:

I looked at myself in the mirror, then fixed my hair a bit

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I looked at myself in the mirror, then fixed my hair a bit. I glanced at the time and saw that it was now 6:20. I quickly grabbed my phone then headed out of my apartment.

I was nervous during the drive to the restaurant that Jake told me to go to. There could be a lot of things that go bad. Like what if the guy doesn't show up (I only know it's a dude because Jake told me)? What if he doesn't even acknowledge me and is on his phone the whole time? What if he goes somewhere and never comes back? What is he brings someone along? What if-

I need to calm down. Jake said that this person was really kind and that I would like him. I should just trust Jake on that.

I arrived at the restaurant and I guess it was kind of fancy. Well from the outside. It's a good first dinner date option you could say.

I parked my car beside a white one then headed inside. The hostess came up to me with a smile om her face. "Hi there. You must be Colby. Here for date, right?" She said. I guess Jake told her about today. "Uh yeah." I said awkwardly. "Great, come with me." She smiled then started walking with me trailing behind her.

"Your date is already here. He is pretty cute." The hostess mentioned. "How long has he been waiting?" I asked. "Not long. Only a couple of minutes." She told me. I nodded my head. I started to feel excited now for some reason. Why should I be feeling excited now?

When arrived at the booth—which was in the back—I saw blond boy sitting there. We made eye contact and I saw the most beautiful blue eyes that I have ever seen. I felt my heart flutter in my chest and a rush of butterflies once I saw him smile. I couldn't help but smile back.

The hostess wasn't lying when she said that he was cute. I thought to myself as I sat down across from him while my cheeks were turning pink. "Your waiter will be right with you." The hostess said then walked away.

"I'm Sam." The blond said. "Colby." I told him my name. "I like it." Sam smiled with a small blush. I chuckled a bit. "Thanks. I like yours too. It suits you and it's cute." I said. I didn't mean to say the last part out loud though. Oops.

I saw Sam's blush grow larger. "Th-thanks." He stutterd which I thought was adorable. "So, Sam. What do you like to do?" I asked. "I don't know." He shrugged. "I like going out and just exploring places. I'm more of an active person." Sam told me. "Me too. I love going out- well... I used to." I said with a small frown. "What happened?" Sam asked. I was about to answer but our waitress came.

"Hello! My name is Katrina and I will be your waitress for this evening." She said with a large smile. Sam and I smile back. "So, what can I get you?" Katrina asked while holding a pen and paper. Sam and I were too busy talking to each other to even look at the menu, so we quickly skimmed it.

We both decided to get a large pizza to share. We told Katrina what we wanted on the pizza then she went away to tell the chefs what we want.

While Sam and I waited, we talked about things we liked, and told each other a bit about ourselves. We got lost in a long conversation

~Time Skip to After the Dinner~

Sam and I decided to go up to the Hollywood sign and watch the sunset. We weren't that far from it so we arrived before it was too far down. To my surprise we were the only ones up there.

We sat on the ground and stared at the beautiful setting sky. We were in silence for some time. Sam broke it though by asking me a question. "Back at the restaurant you said that you used to love going out and looked sad about it. What happened?" He said. "You don't need to tell me if it's too personal." Sam added. "No, it's fine." I smiled softly.

"My ex used to be an alcoholic and whenever he got really drunk he used to r*pe and abuse me. And even when he wasn't drunk he went out and cheated on me. It has been like a year since everything happened but I have always been scared to go out because of what might happen to me. And I haven't dated anyone since because I think the same thing is going to happen." I told Sam truthfully with small tears in my eyes.

"Colby, look at me." I felt Sam grab my chin and turn my head towards him. "That person is an a*shole, and didn't realize how lucky he was to have you in his life. Even though we've known each other for a couple of hours  I really like you. You are honestly so amazing and whoever would treat you like you're nothing are making a huge mistake." Sam told me while looking into my eyes.

In response, I leaned in and kissed him.

Sam's lips were softer than I thought they would be. And where my hand laid on his cheek felt smooth. Sam was kissing me back which made me happy. It felt like time had stopped. I could feel fireworks going off inside my stomach, my heart pounding in my chest, and electricity flowing through our bodies.

We pulled away, out of breath, with our heads leaning against each other's. 

"Sam?" I spoke with our foreheads still together. "Yes?" He said. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I asked with a smile on my face. "Of course I do!" Sam beamed then placed his lips back onto mine. 

This is the first time I have been genuinely happy in a long time. Being here with Sam made me forget everything that happened in the past, and made me feel amazing. 


((I know I haven't updated this in a long a*s time but that's because I DONT KNOW WHAT TO FRICKEN WRITE! Soooo, if any of you have ideas/requests please tell me :)) ))

1305 words


Solby // OneshotsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara