°The Promise°

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((Sam's POV))

I was nervous for the next day; extremely nervous. I'm not one hundred percent why I am nervous, but I have a small hunch...


"Hey, Sammy?" My best friend Colby said to me while riding the bus to school together. "Yeah, Colbs?" I answered as I looked at him. "Can we make a promise to each other?" He asked. I gave him a confused look. "About what?" I questioned with a small chuckle.

"When one of us turns eighteen and if we didn't have our first kiss by then, then we will be each other's." Colby told me. "But that's in almost 9 years?" I said. "I know... but can we still make a promise?" Colby pleaded. "Of course we can." I smiled.


Tomorrow is my 18th birthday and I still haven't had my first kiss. This wouldn't be such a big deal if Colby wasn't one of the popular kids now. He's probably kissed tons of people by now.

Was Colby going to break the promise that he made? This was all his idea. I only said yes because I want to kiss him! To feel his lips on mine.

Over the years I have developed a large crush on Colby. I don't even think you could consider it a crush by now. I think I'm in love with him.

~Time Skip~

"You excited, Sammykins?" My best friend Tara asked as she helped me set up for my birthday party later tonight. "To be honest, I'm more scared and nervous." I told her. "And why's that?" She questioned. "Well..."

I told Tara about mine and Colby's promise all those years back. I don't know what she felt. Her face was full of all these different emotions, and she's changing them every five seconds.

"Okay, Sammy. If Colby doesn't kiss you tonight then I will." Tara protested. "Ew no. I'm gay and you're my best friend." I shook my head. "Exactly. That's why I will help you get ready for tonight, and for Colby." Tara smirked.

Everyone at my school is coming to tonight's party. There will be some alcohol but nothing too strong, and not a lot of it. I won't drink any but I know that others will.

"C'mon, Sammy. Let's get you well rested and ready for tonight." Tara said. We went up to my room, and let Tara pick out something for me to wear before I go for a small nap.

After a few minutes of looking we decided to go with this:

After a few minutes of looking we decided to go with this:

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Yes, I cross-dress, and I don't care what people say. Plus there aren't a lot of people in my school that are homophobic.

"So now that we have the outfit ready, you have a nap now before your party. I'll be at my house. Call me if you need anything." Tara told me. "Okay, mom." I chuckled and she glared at me. "I'll be back at around 7:30." Tara added before leaving my room.

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