Chapter 38 It's Love

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Chapter 38

Gracie's POV

It's Love

Where am I?

Turning around I was met by pitch darkness the same as what was in front of me. Leaning over to what felt like a wall I slid my fingers over the cold surface as I carefully walked forward.

My breaths were uneven and shallow as I wondered what could be amongst the dark that laid ahead.

"Relax." I breathed out

It's probably just a power outage, yeah that's it. Than why don't I feel any furniture? As that thought crossed my mind I searched frantically in front of me for a chair or lamp, even a light-switch will do. Nothing though.

Maybe I'm in the hallway, I thought.

Up ahead I spotted a glowing bright light that had a smile twitch onto my face. Dropping my arms I raced forward getting closer the the brightness, as I neared I spotted a figure up ahead. Squinting my eyes I recognized the broad shoulders and tousled dark hair.

"Jason." I yelled as I quickened my pace, a smile broke onto my face at the sight of him

Reaching his side I threw my arms around his slim waist and nuzzled my cheek against his toned back. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked when he didn't turn around "Jason?" I called out as I pulled away

But as I let go Jason tipped back and fell with a thump to the ground, his eyes wide as they stared aimlessly at the ceiling and a knife jammed into his heart.

"No." I gasped feeling my chest tighten as I shook my head in disbelief

Yet the pool of blood surrounding his cold lifeless body was proof. Dropping to my knees I pressed my hands to his chest hoping to feel a thump, a breath, anything that would indicate he's alive. Nothing, I thought heavy heartedly.

"Jason no." grabbing his shoulders I gave him a shake as if it would help "Jason!" I shouted giving him a harder shake

Not a flutter of his lashes, not a blink of an eye, not even a twitch of his thin pink-pale lips! Raising my shaky fingers up to his lips I felt the bitter coldness of a corpse's mouth. He's- oh God no!!

Unable to hold the piercing pain in my chest I let the tears run down my cheeks as I dropped my face into his bloodied torso.

How? How did this happen? Who would have- a bone chilling hackle rang through the hallway answering the questions that ran through my mind. Lifting my head up I saw my worst nightmare staring smugly down at me, his hands at his sides dripping with blood- Jason's.

"Now that he's out of the way...." he said amused by the situation

Pulling Jason's body against mine I didn't care that I was covered in blood as long as he never gets near Jason.

"Stay away from him." I hissed

He chuckled and bent down to my height blood dripping from his fingers. His eyes swam with pride and victory at what he's down, I shivered at the cold blooded emotion as they bore into mine.

"It's not him I want." he said, lowering his hand to Jason's shoulder he wiped his hand as if he'd never touched Jason

Jerking his body closer to me I felt the fear and anger shaking my body, emotionally and physically. Anger at the lifeless body in my arms of a caring, wonderful man and fear as the man responsible sitting a foot away.

"You see Gracie it's you I want and I'm going to get you." he said as another dark, sinister smirk came onto his face

He bent forward so his face was directly in front of mine "You'll always be mine." he added with a chuckle

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