Chapter 5 Buzz of the Town

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I know the upload is late.

Sorry for that but I will try uploading faster and your Comments help

*wink wink*


Chapter 5

Buzz of the town

Raising my fingers up to my face I traced the dark purple bruise on my cheek bone. Ben really did a number on me.

Stepping away from the mirror I examined my face. There was dark circles under my eyes from the restless night. Ben kept me up till midnight than he passed out but I couldn't sleep. After he rapes me I usually can't.

Below my new bruise was a yellow spot where an old bruise was healing. When I was sixteen and Ben began beating me after my mom died he gave me a foundation to cover any bruising.

It worked, no one has ever seen them including Sarah. Grabbing the small bottle I applied it and almost instantly my face was clear except for the dark circles. It wasn't too bad before yesterday because I slept a couple hours but last night I was awake all night with Ben draped over me.

Sighing I pulled my hair up and walked out of the apartment. It was still dark out and Sarah was probably still asleep. Ms. Taylor would bring her to preK like everyday which means I won't see her till later this afternoon.

Pulling my coat tightly against my chest I walked the few blocks to the diner. Today was chilly and windy but it wasn't going to snow. This uniform was not warm but it fit the sixties theme.

As I approached the diner I could see Leroy sitting on one of the stools with the broom in his hand. Poor man looked so tired.

"Leroy go home." I ordered as I walked into the deserted diner

He snapped his head up his eyes red from the long night. I grabbed the broom from his hand and ushered him to the door.

"From now on I want you to leave at one. Whatever work you haven't done you leave for me." I said

That's two hours after closing giving him time to work but not to over do it. The elderly man smiled causing the corners of his mouth to crinkle.

"Thank you." he said a grateful look on his face before leaving

Peeling my coat off I swept and mopped the floor. He washed all the dishes but the stove tops were still dirty. Pulling my sleeves up I scrubbed the stains out and dirtied my uniform a little.

After cleaning the kitchen I wiped the counter, tables, booths and chairs. It was six when I had a few pots of coffee ready and the diner set for service.

When the bell rang above the door I pored Jason his coffee and placed it on the counter for him.

"Good morning cutie." a strange voice said

I turned to see two men sitting on the stools before me. One looked like he was in his late forties. He had dark olive skin, no hair but a thick gold moustache, and small dark blue eyes. He was a fat man with a large belly.

The man next to him was much younger, maybe the same age as me. He had a nice light tan, his dirty blonde hair was brushed back bringing out his piercing hazel eyes. This man was also fit.

The younger man flashed me a dazzling smile that must make all the girls melt. He leaned his forearm on the counter.

"I'm sorry I thought you were someone else. What can I get you?" I said

The younger one licked his lips letting his eyes run over me. "You for starters." he said his voice husky

My eyes widened. So he's one of those customers. The older man smacked him on the shoulder earning a dark look.

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