Chapter 10 History Repeats

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This chapter was strangely challenging to write since I wanted to write so much but that would ruin the story.

Hope you enjoy!


Chapter 10

History Repeats

Jason's POV

"No, please." Gracie begged in a small whisper

She was on her knees with her small arms wrapped around her middle. I bent down and placed my hands on her shoulders. Gracie shook under my touch as she muttered something about a little boy.

"Gracie what's wrong?" I asked

Dropping to my knees I looked down to where her hands clutched her torso. Thick tears ran down her pale cheek as she shook her head.

What the hell is going on? One minute we were talking than Gracie dropped to the floor sobbing. Did I hurt her? I was gripping her wrist a little tightly but nor that tight.

Turning to face her I peeled her hands off her stomach.

"It hurts." she sobbed as she curled into a ball

Her head rested against my arm as she shook violently. Still unsure of what was going on I scoped Gracie into my arms, bridal style. Her eyes were shut tight as she laid limp in my arms.

My heart ached to rid her of whatever hurt her. Pushing out into the diner I heard Jackie gasp.

"Oh my god Gracie!" Tom rushed out of the back as did Liam

A small moan of pain left her lips as she turned her head.

"I don't know what's wrong with her, she just fell to the ground crying." I said

"She's bleeding." Jackie pointed to Gracie's dangling legs

I looked down to her legs where blood was streaming down her legs and onto my jeans. The blood was dark red as it continued to rush down Gracie's legs.

"I need to get her to the hospital." I breathed out

Rushing to the door with Gracie trembling in my arms I turned to Jackie.

"Watch Sarah till we return." I ordered

Jackie nodded with glassy eyes. I could tell how scared my cousin was, hell I'm scared myself.

"I'll drive." Liam said as he opened the door

"No you need to stay and help Tom. I'll take her." I replied

Liam hesitated at first but than nodded. In a few long strides I was at my red chevy truck. I opened the passenger door and gently placed Gracie in the seat. Racing to the driver's side I rushed to the hospital.

I drove like a mad man earning a few creative curse words. Some people even flipped me the bird but I could barely see the color of the traffic light as I dashed through the streets.

With every moan my foot pressed harder on the gas. I swerved in and out of lanes with Gracie as my only thought.

Briefly taking my eyes off the road I looked over at Gracie. Her head was pressed against the window as she squirmed in her seat. Despite the cold weather sweat formed on her forehead.

"God no, please." she whimpered as she placed her hands flat on her stomach

Turning my attention back to the road my brows knitted together. Her hands have been on her stomach the whole time.

The metallic smell of blood filled the truck. I looked down at the seat drenched with blood.

"Save my baby." she groaned as her back arched up

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