Chapter 40 He's Back

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Chapter 40

He's Back

Gracie's POV

"Did you miss me babe?" he asked a sinister smile spreading across his face

His voice rang through my head like the scream of a banshee, bringing unwanted memories with his presences. Gulping harshly I felt my heart thumping frantically in my chest at the sight of my stepfather.

"Of course you didn't how could you when your busy whoring around." he laughed bitterly

I couldn't find my voice as I just stared at him as if he were a corpse who just crawled out of the ground rather than a living person.

It can't be! Running my eyes over him I hoped it was another horrible dream and I'd wake up gasping for breath with Jason at my side, wrapping in his warm embrace. Yet there he was in the creepy flesh watching me like a predator and I am his prey. But how is it possible that he's here?

"How did you get in here?" I asked my voice barely audible

Ben lowered his arm the dark grin never wavering as he purposely waved the hand gun.

"It wasn't difficult." he said and took a short step forward his belly juggling with the small step "I found that the guard for the back door leaves his post to smoke every day at a specific time.That gave me the perfect opportunity to rid of him and get in."

Get rid of him. A bone chilling shiver ran down my spine as the cold we he spoke of taking another beings life.

"It took me quiet a while to figure a loop hole. I didn't like that." he added the last part with a small growl

Taking yet another small step his gaze never left me, his expression lost the sick humor from before as his features grew serious. His dark bushy brows came together leaving a crease between them, his beady eyes seemed smaller as he took in my appearance.

"You know what else I didn't like, seeing you prancing around lockin' lips with that asshole at the diner." he hissed the corner of his upper lip twitching "Or puttin' him down as the daddy of that little brat."

His arm lifted as he took two more steps towards me, never breaking eye contact I took steady steps back careful not to make any hasty movements.

In the outside I managed to stay calm but in my mind I was going over yesterday's diner service again. The man that slipped out after Jason announced out loud that I'm his it wasn't my imagination. It was really Ben. What about all the other times I saw him? Where those real too?

At the parking lot? Outside of the diner? At the playground? He was there!

"You've been following me." I said

One side of his mouth curled up in amusement at my horror stricken expression giving me my answer.

All those times I felt as if someone was watching me, following me. To ease my mind I excused the twisting in my lower abdominal as my own fear. But it isn't, it wasn't my imagination, it was real! He's always been there one step behind me just watching me, watching my family. My eyes widened as a thought dawned in me, my heart skipped a beat breaking out of it's rapid pace.

Sarah is upstairs and so is Jackie!

"Did you expect me to just let you go?" he snickered

"Wh-why not? Why can't you just let all of this go? Move on with your life." I pleaded

His cruel hackle pierced through the silent house as if I'd just told him the world's most funniest joke. I should have expected him to reject the idea. The man has been following me probably from the first day I left him in the hospital with Jason why would he just leave because I asked?

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