Chapter 33 The Morning After

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Chapter 33

The Morning After

Jason's POV

I stared down at the beautiful nude woman leaning her upper body against my chest, her small soft hands resting against my torso. My own arms were tightly wrapped around her slender waist.

Sighing contently I shut my eyes relieving the amazing memories of last night. It was all perfect from her uncertain hands to that delectable mouth of hers. Last night was better than I could have ever dreamed it would be and to have Gracie come to me in that sexy outfit. My manhood twitched as I recalled how she seduced me with her glorious body, the kisses, sucks, pecking it was all amazing.

Part of me thinks I should have had a stronger will power and sent her back to her room. But another part, the selfish part of me was over the moon with joy at the events of last night. The way she looked as she rode me, her hair out as her breasts shook than when she was under me. That was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen, Gracie laying under me as she received her third orgasm. Oh dear God and when she screamed my name!

Now I had a full erection as I heard Gracie's sweet voice screaming my name over and over again. Reopening my eyes I glanced down at the vixen that held the bedsheets tightly around her breasts, her mouth slightly open in a cute way as she breathed softly. I smiled at the angelic face, even while she sleeps she's sweet and innocent. Even while she sleeps she's insecure, I thought sadly.

I'll change that though. I'll show Gracie just how truly beautiful she is inside and out.

This was how I spent most of my night, watching her, stroking her hair, pressing random kisses over her face as she slept. I don't know how I got so lucky to have a wonderful woman like Gracie in my life but I sure as hell don't plan on letting her go.

If you told me a month ago that I would be this happy I'd have laughed in your face. At that time I saw life as a cruel sick joke that seemed to only tease me with happiness before stealing it away. Now I see it in a whole different light, a brighter light and it's because of Gracie.

"Jason." she moaned rolled her head from side to side

A grin formed on my lips at the seductive sound. All night she's been whimpering and moaning my name. Each time it took all my will power not to wake her to the feel of me pounding inside her. Brushing my knuckles lightly across her cheek I bent down and kissed her red luscious lips. As soon as I pulled away her lids flew open revealing a pair of large emerald eyes.

"I'm sorry did I wake you?"

She blinked a few times before shaking her head "No, I had this wonderful dream and I thought.." she paused as a light shade of scarlet covered her cheeks

My grin widened, oh I know all about her dream. "Did it have anything to do with me making you scream my name?"

She gasped quickly sitting up and slapping my arm as I chuckled at her reaction "You horrible man did you just sit there watching me all night."

"Not really." I lied as I sat up

She threw me a dark scowl and tightened the bed sheet under her arms. For a moment I just stared at her figure completely taken back by her. Her blood red hair was tousled up in a sexy way causing her green eyes to shimmer like the gems they are, her rosy red lips were pouted in a cute childish way. The deep blue curtains were pulled back allowing the morning sun to stream in onto her pale skin giving it a healthy glow that was damn near impossible to resist touching. My gaze slowly ran over her baffled by how amazing she looked in the morning.

"This is the last time I ever share a bed with you."

As the words left her mouth I snapped my head up spotting a sly smile on those pouty red lips.

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