Chapter 28 Back to Work

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Chapter 28

Back to Work

Jason's POV

The pattering feet of a certain little girl awoke me from the deep sleep I managed to fall into early this morning. The restless nights -although are getting a bit better- are still robbing me of sleep.

Sitting up I rubbed my heavy eyes needing another few hours of sleep or better yet a full night. But I don't think that will be happening as long as my body is tortured with the vixen on the other side of the wall. With an exhausted sigh I reluctantly got out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom shivering as the cold morning air met my bare chest.

Although I can wake up early I prefer not to. The whole early bird thing seemed stupid to me, I rather be under the warm covers than be up this early. Standing in front of the sink I brushed my teeth and washed my face. There was a light stubble forming around my jaw but the hair was too short to shave so I just left it alone. After my quick morning routine I returned to my room and pulled out a navy blue polo shirt and a pair of dark jeans. My wardrobe wasn't the most brightest and I took pride in that, I'm not the man who can wear some fruity color. That just isn't me.

After making my bed I made my way out to spot the source of the noise that woke me at the bottom of the stairs running the length of the hall. Sarah was dazzling in a beaded sapphire dress that reached her knees with white stockings that had a matching blue design reaching her mid calf. Her dark glossy locks was pulled up into a neat ponytail with a small curl hanging at the side of her face.

Rushing down the stairs quietly I captured the little devil up in my arms and kissed her small cheeks as she squealed happily.

"Sarah be quiet your going to wake Ja-oh looks like he's already up." a stern voice said from behind me "Good morning Jason." she said in a softer voice

Lifting my lips from the squirmy child I turned to the sound of the woman that has unintentionally keeping me from sleeping. Just the faint smell of her sweet floral scent has my body torturing itself again.

The excited smile that was set on my lips wavered as I took in her appearance.

"Why are you wearing that?" I asked referring to the blue uniform from the Pot'O Gold

Gracie pulled the hem of the uniform that just barely reached her mid-thigh showing off her long pale legs. The top of her uniform fit snuggly from her hips and outlined her breasts perfectly that if she were to poke her chest out a button would surely pop revealing her...... I groaned internally at my train of thoughts.

"It's your diner I think you probably already know this uniform is mandatory." she answered

"Yes I know that, but why are you wearing it?" I asked stupidly as I placed Sarah down on her feet aware of her round green eyes watching us

Gracie blinked confusingly at me as if I were speaking a different language. The way her long lashes fluttered over those shimmering emerald gems and the cute way her pink lips parted had me almost forgetting what we are talking about.

"If you plan on coming in to work forget it, I won't let you." I said in a gruff tone

"You can't do that." she gaped sounding like a teenager

Nodding my head I grabbed Sarah's small hand in mine and walked to the kitchen to the alluring aroma of bacon. "I can and I just did." I said over my shoulder

As Sarah and I took our seats at the table which was full of bacon, scrambled eggs and warm biscuits. My mouth watered at the sight of the feast before me but in the back of my mind I made a note to remind the red headed vixen to stop over working herself. Just as I poured myself a cup of coffee Gracie stomped in with her innocent little features scrunched up tight.

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