Chapter 12 Surprise

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Hopefully the long updates make up for the long wait. I'm trying and thank you for the support guys!!


Chapter 12


When I was fifteen I use to wonder what my first kiss would be like. Than less than a year later Ben began touching me and the touching turned to unwanted kisses.

It was awful and I cried while he shoved his nasty tongue in my mouth but Jason is nothing like that.

His lips brushed mine with the lightest touch that my lips parted with anticipation. My hands were still pressed against his rapid heart with one of his own covering it. His free hand tilted my face up to his warm mouth.

Jason pulled away briefly and took in my reaction. My mouth felt cold without his and I was startled by that feeling.

"Its sweeter than I thought." he said in a hoarse voice

I blinked in confusion, what's sweet? Before I couldn't think another thought Jason brushed his mouth against mine a bit more roughly. His lips stayed on mine this time, moving in a quick pace that I tried to follow.

"That's it love, like that." he encouraged between kisses

His hands cupped my face as our lips moved quicker and the heat in my body felt unbearable. I never felt like this before. Without my permission my hands slid slowly up to his broad shoulders.

I felt Jason shudder at my touch and the act alone caused a thrill like no other to rush through me.

"Do that again." he groaned against my mouth

What this? I ran my hands down his hard back feeling his breathing increase. He likes that. His long fingers slid through my hair causing a small moan to escape through my lips.

"Oh god that's heaven to my ears." he said as he pulled his mouth from mine

In seconds his hot moist mouth pressed against the hallow spot on my collar bone and I gasped. A moan bubbled on my lips but I held it back out of habit. It feels so good.

He sucked my skin causing my legs to wobble beneath me. I held onto his shoulders as my vision blurred and my breathing sped up. My fingers dug into his back, his tongue darted out and licked my skin.

"Moan for me." he ground out

He wants me to. His teeth nipped at me gently but I held the pleasure in. My eyes rolled in the back of my head. I tried holding my cries of pleasure but when he kissed a trail to my shoulder I couldn't hold it any longer.

A throaty moan left my lips and I nearly melted to the ground. Jason groaned against my skin as his hands wrapped around my waist pressing his body to mine.

My skin felt like it was on fire and Jason started it.

"Your so soft." he whispered

My neck bent back giving him better access when the sound of the Scooby Doo theme song played. Seconds later the tv was switched off, Jason must of heard it too because he pulled away.

Jason's eyes were dark as the ocean at night. He straightened his shirt of any wrinkles and looked over at me. His hands reached out and pushed my shirt back over my shoulder, I hadn't realized he moved it.

"Momma I'm tired." Sarah whined as she slumped into the kitchen

"Do you w-want to take a nap?" I asked hearing my voice crack

Sarah nodded her dark head and rubbed her eyes. I bent to pick her up when Jason scooped her up before me.

"I got her." he said

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