Chapter 11 New Feelings

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It's late and I apologize but I think you forgive me after this chapter ;)


Chapter 11

New Feelings

Jason's POV

We were riding back to the diner at a normal speed. Gracie was sitting in the passenger seat with her hands on her lap. She seemed nervous as she stared out the window, purposely avoiding my gaze.

I tried concentrating on the road and not the beautiful woman sitting next to me. The memory of her soft body pressed against mine caused my hands to tighten on the wheel. I wanted to comfort her which I must admit I enjoyed too much.

Gracie just felt so small in my arms and the way she nuzzled against me. I groaned internally as my jeans suddenly became uncomfortably tight.

Than when I kissed her cheek, it was meant to be a friendly gesture but quickly turned into temptation. She didn't make it easier when she turned bright red. In fact she looked even more irresistible.

But that didn't change the fact that Gracie lost seven kids! The number left me completely out of words. I can't even began to wrap my head around the new piece of information. The thought of Gracie, twenty-two year old Gracie losing that many kids is...

It's shocking. By the way she practically burst into tears when I asked who the father is I'm guessing it's the same guy.

Did the dirt bag even know about the miscarriages or this one? Gracie hasn't moved from my side and she didn't use the phone at the hospital.

I cleared my throat catching her attention. "Do you need to call the father?"

Gracie stiffened, her eyes quickly shooting downwards. "No." she muttered

"No." I repeated still keeping my eyes on the road

It was difficult since I wanted to literally shake her. When she didn't respond I gritted my teeth together in attempt to calm myself.

"He's the father don't you think he deserves to know." I ground out

"I didn't tell him I was pregnant."

She sighed and wrapped her arms around her waist. Gracie seemed so vulnerable with her head against the window.

"He doesn't want children." she finally said

So this mysterious man is a low life. I loosened my grip on the wheel. This smells like an opportunity.

"Your both fairly young, of course children aren't in your plans." I said in the hopes of baiting her

Gracie snorted as if I just told her the sky is orange. "He's old enough to be going to his kid's high school graduation."

Fact number one, this guy is old. How old though? She must of realized her slip because she sat up straight as a ruler.

I glanced at her quickly, she was chewing her bottom lip nervously.

"How long have you two been going out?"

"We're not, I mean I'm not with him." she said in a whispery voice

My brows arched up in surprise. Gracie didn't seem like the open relationship girl. Was this guy married or something?

She squirmed in her seat at my surprised face.

"You two just mess around?" I asked

My voice held a bit of an edge that I hadn't intended. Just thinking about Gracie messing around with some old guy made my blood boil.

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