Chapter 9 Different Man

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Chapter 9

Different Man

Gracie's POV

Looking over at the clock by my bed I slowly rolled out of bed, careful not to wake Ben. He came home late last night and slipped into my bed like every night.

I awoke to his foul breath as he kissed my neck. He smelled like beer and cheap whores which he probably enjoyed all day. It was routine for me to lay still and hold back my sobs. Ben enjoyed it when I cry but I don't want Sarah to hear me.

She's so young, for her to know that this man she hates is her father would break her fragile heart. Sarah only asked once who her father is, it was about a year ago.

It was during a parent teacher meeting. All the parents looked over at me with disgusted looks. Some people considered me to be a bed hopper although I've never acted the part. Ignoring the judgmental stares I told my little girl a lie, a lie I'm ashamed of but had to tell.

I told her her father was dead. Ben might as well be dead since he never even asks how Sarah is doing. I don't trust him around her. He might hurt her.

Once I saw him watching her with dark eyes as she played with her toys. She was two at the time. That one look caused a chill to run done my spine and from that day on I never let him see her. I always hid her in case he tried to hit her or worse.

"Where are you going?"

The sound of his voice startled me as I finished tying my apron. I managed to force my eyes up to his naked form on the bed. His hair was slicked onto one side as he stared at me with his beady brown eyes.

"To work." I whispered cautious not to wake Sarah up

Ben sat up on the bed than reached for his boxers on the floor. I stood still as he walked around the bed to where I was.

"This early." he said motioning to the clock

"I always open the diner, you know that." I said

Ben's jaw clenched and I knew I said the wrong thing. He smiled as his gaped teeth showed.

"Your getting fresh with me bitch." he laughed

I knew that tone and what comes with it. Shaking my head quickly I tried to fix my mistake when he slapped me hard across the face. The sound echoed in the silent apartment.

Losing my balance I fell onto the floor with a low thud. My cheek throbbed but I refused to show my pain. He would love that.

"Guess you need to learn your place."

Ben grabbed me roughly by my arm and tugged me onto my feet. He crashed his lips to mine while pushing me flat against the bed. His weight was fully on me adding pressure to my stomach.

I felt a small pain below my stomach. Tears leaked down my face as I begged for my baby to be fine.

Ben bit my bottom lip hard, I whimpered at the pain. The metallic taste filled my mouth.

"Ben." I whispered which he took as a sign of pleasure

He rose up not tearing his mouth from mine. "You like that slut." he mumbled against my still lips

His cupped my breasts as he squeezed them painfully. I tried pulling away but he held my waist keeping me close to him.

When I tried pulling away again he let go of me but the dark look in his eyes told me I shouldn't have done that.

"You rather have that rich boy than me." he said

"I have never slept with anyone but you." I stuttered

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