Chapter 16. Freedom is Bittersweet

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Chapter 16

Freedom is Bittersweet

Gracie's POV

A beeping noise rang in my ears as I began to wake but I kept my eyes closed. After Ben beats me he usually gets his way. I don't remember anything maybe I passed out, if I did that wouldn't stop Ben from continuing.

The thought of Ben laying naked beside made me shudder. Now I really don't want wake up.

"Gracie." a groggy voice called out

It wasn't Ben's voice. Willing my heavy eyelids open I was briefly blinded by the bright florescent lights above. A woman in light green scrubs smiled weakly at me.

"Good morning Ms. Adler, I'm sorry to wake you but you need to take your medicine." she said handing me two pills and a glass of water

Medicine? My forehead creased in confusion as my eyes darted around the pale yellow room. To my left was the monitor that woke me earlier, the beeping sped up as I tried sitting up. A pain jolted through my back causing me to fall back onto the bed.

What's going on? My body throbbed as a strange pain began spreading all over my body.

"Ms. Adler please calm down." the nurse said placing the water down

I opened my mouth to speak but my throat felt dry. Reaching for the blanket I tried to pull it off when the iv in my arm stopped me.

"W-wh-" my voice broke at the sudden dryness

Jason suddenly appeared at my side, grabbing the glass and pills he held them out for me.

"I'll explain in a minute love but first take your medicine." he said in the same tired voice as before

Still puzzled I popped the pills into my mouth. Attempting a smile Jason lifted the water up to my lips. The cool water felt wonderful going down my cotton dry throat. I gulped down the whole thing.

Jason handed the cup back to the nurse and she immediately left looking down the whole time. That's a little strange, I thought.

"What am I doing here?" I asked turning to Jason

He propped himself up onto the side of the bed careful not to sit on my legs.

"You don't remember what happened?" he asked looking at me intently

My brows furrowed downwards as I tried recalling what he was talking about. Last I remember I was begging Ben for mercy than I blacked out.

Shaking my head no I looked up to Jason's face. He had bags under his eyes, a slight stubble covered his jaw indicating he hadn't shaved today. His hair looked disheveled as if he has been putting his hands through it. He was even wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

"We found you unconscious in Sarah's room yesterday." he said his voice hardening slightly

His words registered in my mind, who is they? Than realization dawned on me, how did they know where I was? My brows lifted in shock as I rose my cheeks to cover my face. The bruises!

I winced at the contact than pulled the white sheet up over my face.

"Gracie." he said in a dry tone

"Please leave." I whispered

He yanked the sheets off me, I put my arms over my face refusing to let him see me.

"I already saw your face Gracie."

Of course he did, I didn't lower my arms though. How am I suppose to explain this? Ben is going to be so angry when he finds out.

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