Chapter 25 New to these Feelings

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Chapter 25

New to these Feelings

Jason's POV

"I need you to find out where he is, where he's staying, I want you to find everything out about this scumbag." I said into the receiver

I'm not going to wait for Ben to come for Gracie especially after his stun yesterday at the ice rink. Gracie was like a lost child on the ice crawling on her knees. The terror in her innocent features were clear as day.

She will never feel that fear again, I'm going to make sure of that.

"You want this guy's background too?" the detective asked

"No, I can careless about his life story. Find him." I said as I stared out the window behind my large oak desk

It snowed last night only a few inches but the fresh, pure snow covered every square inch of the yard giving a winter wonderland touch to the plain dark ground. Sarah will love playing in the light dusting but the yard will need shoveling if she's going to ride her bike.

"If this guy is what you said than he probably has a past that just might help you put him away."

"Like a crime?" I asked now wondering what Ben is actually capable of

"Men like him always have skeletons in their closets."

Men like Ben. For second I thought about it. If Ben did commit a crime before he entered Gracie's life. Something that can put that low life in jail and I want to know what.

"Alright Pete dig threw his past but first find him." I said as the sounds of footsteps sounded above me

"He's lurking in town somewhere and I want to find out where before he can get near them again." I said hearing the footsteps descending down slowly


"I'll start immediately." Pete said before hanging up

Placing the phone down on the desk I listened to Gracie slowly making her way down. It was barely seven, no doubt she had as much luck sleeping last night as me. At first I was up because of Ben but after talking with her last night she became my only thought.

Thoughts of my usual desire for her and fear of what she said last night, that she would go willingly back to Ben. It had my stomach turning in knots knowing she'd be at the hands of that low life. And by what he told her yesterday Ben doesn't plan on staying in Vensword.

The very thought of Gracie trapped with that over-sized middle aged man somewhere unknown scared the crap out of me. For the remainder of the night I fought images of Gracie crumbled on the floor holding her torso as the man stood above her grinning darkly. That's when I decided to call Pete.

I've hired him before to look into business partners, you can never know who's trying to screw you over in business. Pete was always efficient and thorough in his investigations. He gets what I need in a matter of days.

And right now the faster I can get rid of Ben the better.

The sounds of Gracie's footsteps grew softer as she walked further away from the office. Turning back towards the window I stared at the untouched snow that in a couple hours would be filled with small footprints.

As I stared ahead I wondered where in Vensword that rat was hiding.

It doesn't matter if he is in a hotel or a cardboard box I will find him and I'll be damned if he comes near Gracie or Sarah. He might of hurt them in the past but he sure as hell isn't going to touch a hair on either of their heads now.

Heart of Goldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن