Chapter 15 Truth is Out

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Chapter 15

Truth is Out

Jason's POV

My heart pounded in my ears as I ran up the small staircase behind Liam. Another scream came from Gracie's apartment this one much louder.

Liam knocked on the door with a worried expression. When a few moments passed with no response I pounded my fists on the door causing it to rattle.

"Cool it." Liam warned me

I pulled my hand back knowing he is right but I can't shake this fear that Gracie needs me.

"No answer." Jack said when no came to the door

As soon as the words left his mouth the old door creaked open. Ben held on to the door knob with an angry scowl in his face.

"What do you want?" he snapped sounding out of breath

"We just wanted to ask..."

"Where is Gracie?" I interrupted Liam

The fat man dragged his squinted eyes up to me, shooting daggers my way.

"Busy in the back." he answered with dark humor

I wanted to punch him for continuing to torture me about Gracie's love life. For a second I thought of leaving but Sarah's tear streaked face flashed through my mind.

"Let me see her." I challenged

The smirk slipped off his face as he pulled the door close to his side in case we peeked in.

"She is busy taking care of Sarah, the little thing just started throwing up." he said with fake concern

Liam folded his arms over his chest and squinted at the old man.

"So why did she just run into my diner in tears a few minutes ago?" Jack said in a assuming tone

Ben clenched his jaw and unclenched it. He's hiding something.

"Let us in." I said in a harsh voice

Ben stood up straight and puffed his chest out to seem macho. "No." he replied

Now I really want to knock him out. I rubbed my nose with the back of my hand just to keep myself from actually doing it. Looking back at Ben I waited for him to move aside when he didn't I grabbed him by the front of his shirt and slammed him against the door causing it to open wide.

"Get the fuck off of me." he cursed as he tried squirming out of my grip

"Go check on Gracie." I ordered not taking my eyes off of Ben

Both Liam and Jack walked past us and into the old apartment. I followed Jack as he looked at the old floor boards and peeling walls.

"I can have you arrested for trespassing." Ben shouted as he continued to struggle

"You can try." I said as I dragged my gaze back to the pale man

His face was blank as his eyes widened in what seemed like fear. But he wasn't looking at me. I followed his fearful stare and saw Liam opening a door in the far end of the small hall.

"Holy shit, Jason!" Liam shouted as he ran into the room

Immediately I let go of Ben's shirt not caring that he fell onto his butt. In a few long strides I was at the door. When I looked into the room it felt like a hand gripped my heart.

Laying on the ground limp and in the same floral blouse as earlier was Gracie. Her face was covered in dark red prints and already forming purple bruises. Her red hair was sprawled out against the side of the bed with her eyes shut. From under her sleeves I saw long pink and red marks going up her arm.

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