Chapter 4

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I nodded letting him know that I did in fact remember what he had been like. It had been horrible; Ivan and I had had to physically force Adrian to get clean of the alcohol. He had almost drank himself to death once; and another time he had slit his entire arm, from wrists to elbows, open actually trying to kill himself.

Later he told us that the voices kept telling him that no one loved him. That none of us wanted anything whatsoever to do with him and that he was too much trouble for us to care anything about him or what happened to him. That we all wanted him out of our lives forever and that he should just end it all. In order to set us free from having to be around him and wasting our time and energy pretending that we care about him, by killing himself.

My God, I sooo did not want my Roza having to go through that kind of der'mo. But apparently, I was already too late to prevent that, because she is already going through it. And because of the way that I have been acting and behaving she was going through it all alone. Blyad' me!!! (shit, fuck)

Why had I not realized that with Roza and Lissa being bonded, that my Roza would be taking and dealing with Lissa's darkness herself? Why had I not thought that the way that I was treating my own soul mate would be devastating to her? What in the blyad' is wrong with me?!! (fuck)

"Because of the darkness you will have to do something drastic, something unexpected, something dramatic, something that will break through the darkness. Something that she would never, in a million years expect for you to do or do for her. But like I said, you only have a few hours to get through to her and to get her to believe and to trust in you again. And you only have a few days to prove it to her enough to where she has no doubts whatsoever and never will again. Because if she has any lingering doubts, about your love for her, it will cost her dearly and by extension you and then further by extension our entire society. Those of us who are alive as well as those who are not yet born or even conceived. So pretty much our entire society from now on. Because soon Mason Ashford, Eddie Castile and his girlfriend Mia Rinaldi will sneak away from the ski lodge..."

I tried to interrupt but he didn't let me.

"... and you have to let them. That part is a fixed point in time, those three have to leave and Rose has to go after them. It is what happens after that, that is flexible. When Rose finds out that they are gone, she and Christian Ozera will have go after them. They will have to allow themselves to be captured by the same group of strigoi that took the original three runaways who considered themselves hunters. And then Rose and Christian will be taken to the same place as the strigoi took the other three. And after a few days they will get lose, but by that time you, me and some other guardians will already be on our way to them. Thanks to little old me of course. While they are being held captive is when the first of the two times, but the first occasion, that I was telling you about that Rose will be asked to turn will happen."

"So you are saying that while she is in Spokane, to rescue those three idiot kids, the strigoi will insist more than once that she asks to be turned. And there is another time years later in life where the same thing will happen again."

"Yes, exactly. In Spokane she will be about to consent, the third time that they ask, when her friends will convince her not to give up. That they believe and trust in her to save them all. And shortly after that, the darkness that she takes from Lissa will come in very handy. At least it will if you get through to her, if not she won't even make it to the third time."

"What do you mean she won't make it?!!!"

He sighed. "Dimka, Rose is not only a princess, but she is also an alpha shadow kissed dhampir."

"What in the ad does that even mean Adrian?!!!" I accidentally yelled at him. (hell)

"It means that she has and can use more magic than our entire society put together can even imagine. Than the entire moroi race; past, present and future combined will ever be able to use or imagine; even as an entire society put together. Every single moroi from the past, the present and the future in the world. Could combine their magic into one and they would still not be even a fraction as powerful as Rose will become. She can take the darkness from all spirit users and their bond mates, anywhere in the world. We don't even need to be anywhere near her for her to be able to do it. She doesn't even have to know the spirit users or their bond mates to be able to do it. Eventually she will be able to mentally seek out spirit users and their bond mates anywhere in the world that she doesn't know and has never even met. She will just feel the pull of a spirit user or bond mate in need of getting rid of the darkness, and when she does, she will take their darkness as well. She can even take all of the worst emotions and feelings from those who are not spirit users or not shadow kissed. But just like with the darkness, she will have to get rid of that too. Because it will do the exact same thing to her as a spirit user and a shadow kissed persons darkness will."

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