Chapter 27

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(APOV) Adrian

"Is Belikov kidnapping Rose?"

"Is Belikov running away with Rose?"

"Where is Belikov taking Rose?"

"What is Belikov doing with Rose?"

"Did he have this planned?"

I heard more than a few guardians ask those questions and several others more than once.

"Guardian Petrova!!" I shouted until I was finally able to get her attention.

"Yes, Lord Ivashkov?" She asked as she walked over to me.

"I know what's going on, and if you will allow me to, I can explain some of it to you."

"Everyone put your guns away and process the house and the surrounding area. Including all of the woods behind and around the entire property."

She then turned to me, just as Abe's remaining guardians also put their weapons away. Then turned and made their way back to the two remaining SUVs, where they would wait for me.

"All right, please explain."

I looked around at the half a dozen guardians that were still milling around close enough to us to be able to eavesdrop on any conversation that we had.

She nodded. "Guardians Yuri, Celeste, Emil, Alto, Tamera and Hathaway go about your assignments please."

I watched as the guardian all walked away. Well, all except for Hathaway that is.

"Are you just going to stand here while that, God only knows what, kidnaps my child."

"One Hathaway, Rose is NOT your daughter... not anymore. Remember, you voluntarily gave up all claims and rights as her biological mother. When you signed away custody of her to me and the academy before she was even five years old. Which is what made her my daughter, not yours. Second, one thing that I can promise you... or I could if it were any of your damn business anymore. Is that Dimitri Belikov would sooner carve out his own heart with a plastic crumbling spoon covered in dog feces or a grain of sand. Than to allow any harm whatsoever to EVER come to my daughter Rose. Three, Rose is not a child, she is a grown ass woman. She has not been a child since her sorry and pathetic excuse for a biological mother threw her away like a piece of unwanted month-old garbage. Rose is an adult and a guardian, just as much as I am and even more so than what you are, or ever have been. And last, but most certainly not least, get your ass to your assignment. And do it right now before I put you on report for disobeying a direct order and dereliction of duty!!!" It sounds as though Janine was really beginning to carve chunks out of Alberta's nerves and temper as well.

A furious Guardian Janine Hathaway huffed angrily, spun around on her heel, and stormed away. Just like the child that she had just accused my little cousin Rose of being.

There is only one thing wrong with her accusation of Rose, and that is the fact that Rose had never had the opportunity to be a child. Because she has been guarding Lissa since the very day that the two of them meet. And I very seriously doubt that Lissa even realizes that Rose had put her life away just to make sure that Lissa's life was as perfect as possible. Rose has had no time to live her own life much less the time to be a child.

And damn, Janine really doesn't like not being able to dictate and control what Rose does with her life or what happens to her. She doesn't care anything whatsoever about Rose, she never has, and she never will. And she has done her absolute best to make sure that everyone else in our entire world not only knew that, but that they all followed her lead. The grebanaya suka!! But she still does not like, not being in control of what Rose does or does not do or what is done to her. Given her attitude, behavior, and her lack of caring about Rose. I can't for the yeblya life of me understand how she was not born a royal instead of a dhampir. I have never seen, nor heard, of another dhampir that acts even remotely like Janine Hathaway. Especially not towards their very own biological child. Those who are lucky enough to have children of their own that is. God, what a raging grebanaya suka she is!!! (fucking bitch, fucking, fucking bitch)

What have I done...?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora