Chapter 39

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"Get the FUCK away from her, she is MINE!!!" The darkness growled demonically from deep within Roza moya. Alberta, Abe, and Pavel all gasped and jumped up and away from the table knocking their chairs over as they watched what the darkness was doing and capable of doing to angel moya. As terrified as I was to have the darkness actually speaking to me, through lyubov' moya. I did not pull away from her, and no matter what I will never do such a thing to angel moya. I had already done that far too much and far too many times in the past; it would not ever happen again. Not yeblya ever. (my, my, my love, fucking, my)

Taking a deep breath and bracing myself for this fight I denied the darkness's demand. "No, she most definitely is not yours. Roza belongs here with us, she belongs to herself, you have no power over her. Go back from whence you came and leave lyubov' moya alone forever." (my love)

"Your love." It sneered at me.

"Yes, lyubov' moya. The love and light of my life, angel moya, milaya moya, dorogaya moya, my everything. She does not need you, she has me." (my love, my, my dearest, my darling)

"You mean she has you for now. Right now, in this moment she has you. But what about in five minutes, an hour, a week, a month, or a year?" The darkness growled again.

"How long will it be until you move on to Tasha or some other moroi slut, anyone else who will open her legs for you while turning your back on Rose again? Huh?! Rose needs me to protect her. You have already hurt her more than anyone, anyone other than that fucking bitch Janine Hathaway that is. For which she will pay very very VERY dearly I promise not only you that, but MY Rose as well. So, you tell me, why in the living hell would I ever leave her in your tender care?!!"

I ignored what the darkness said because I knew it was not true. Well, except for that part about Janine. And as much as I hated it, I knew that it was also right about my having hurt angel moya in the past, but never again. I will never allow anyone to hurt her ever again, including and especially me. (my)

"Do you have a name?"

The darkness scoffed at me, again through Roza moya. "Of course, I have a name, don't be ludicrous." (my)

"What is your name?"

"Why should I tell you, huh? Who do you think that you are to question me? What have you ever done for Rose?"

"I am Roza's soul mate, and I love her. You are right, I have hurt her in the past. Far more than will ever be forgivable, more than she should ever forgive me for and far more than I will EVER be able to forgive myself for. But that will not ever change the fact that I do and will love her for the rest of our lives. As for what I have done for her, to reiterate all I have ever done for her is to love her more than life itself. But if I have to fight you, or anyone or anything else, for her, her life, her health, her happiness, her love, her wellbeing, or her freedom from you. Then I will do it."

Now it laughed. "Do you really think that you can beat me?!"

"No, I know that I can't. But I do know that Roza moya can beat you because she has done it before. Now leave, you are not wanted nor are you needed here. Not right now. I realize that there may come a time that she may need you again. But now is not that time." (my)

"You can't protect her from you breaking her heart."

"I am not going to break her heart. I am done with that; I will be right by her side for the rest of our lives. I will do right by her, I will love and protect her, I will treat her as the most treasured and precious angel that God has ever created because that is exactly what she is to me. I promise you and I promise her, here and now, that I will never willingly do anything to hurt her ever again. NOW LEAVE HER!!!!"

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