Chapter 29

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"Because Janine feels that if she had not have had to give birth to Rose if she could have just been granted an abortion. Even after the cutoff time. Then she could have been the head of the entire Guardian Corp by now, which she thinks that she deserved to be a long time ago. Which is exactly why she went out into the human world to get those five abortions before anyone could even find out that she was pregnant. As you know, it is illegal in our world to get an abortion without it being an absolute medical life and death necessity for the mother. So, she thinks that having a child held back her career, she is such a vile excuse for a humanoid being. One of the worst people that I have ever been fortunate enough NOT to really meet. I have seen her from afar and a little nearer than that a little bit ago. But I am thankful to be able to say that we have never actually met. And I know because I have seen it all in different visions. Visions that I have been having since shortly after Dimka started working at St. Vladimir's Academy."

"How in the living hell could having Rose of possibly held back her fucking career?!!! When she has not ever even been in Rose's life since she abandoned her at the Academy before Rose was even five fucking years old!!!"

She took a few incredibly angry breaths and tried her best to calm herself down, as she pinched the bridge of her nose, before she spoke again. "I am sorry Lord Ivashkov, I should not have shouted or spoken to you in that manner. You are a royal and I am deeply deeply sorry, please forgive me."

"There is nothing to apologize for or for me to forgive. You have raised Rose pretty much all of her life, so your reaction is completely understandable. YOU are her mother after all. I've only known Rose for a very short time. But I feel exactly the same way about Janine Hathaway that you do, I can and do assure you of that. I have seen far too many things about Janine Hathaway in my visions and the ways that she has always treated, mistreated, talked to, down to and about, and ignored my little cousin Rose. To not want to give her a good smack in the mouth for it. But thankfully my great aunt and my parents have raised me to not ever strike a woman. Even a woman that sooo richly deserves it like Janine Hathaway."

"Thank you, but again, I am sorry. And it is a shame that more royal men are not taught the very same thing."

"It is completely fine; you mustn't worry about it any further. And yes, it most certainly is. I think that all men should be taught not to ever strike a woman, but that is just my personal opinion on the matter."

"Thank you. And no, it's not just your opinion its mine as well just to name another."

"You are very welcome. Now, back to what we were discussing. I think that Janine feels that just the knowledge that she had a biological child out there in the world somewhere. Is what kept her superiors from promoting her the way that she feels that she so richly deserved. According to what I have seen and heard from some of my visions of the past. Janine thought that she should have been promoted to head of the entire guardian corps the year after she graduated from her academy. She had killed three strigoi by then and thought that she more than deserved such a promotion. She thought that, even with just three kills, that she was the best guardian in the entire history of our people. Which is why she felt that she deserved that position more than anyone else in our world. Even guardians who had been guardians for several years some even decades longer than what she herself had." Alberta looked shocked at my words but did not interrupt me, at least not yet.

"So that frustration and irritation, at not receiving the promotions that she thinks that according to her she so richly deserves. Has turned into hatred and contempt of and for both Rose and Abe. And knowing how much she hates the both of them. Could you just imagine the things that she would be willing to do, or have done, to Rose if she knew who Rose and Abe really are? I mean she could have hidden Rose somewhere else, somewhere definitely more dangerous. And used her, and her wellbeing, as even more of a pawn or blackmail leverage against Abe than what she already has. She could have had Rose hurt and also used that against Abe. Telling him that she would have Rose hurt worse or possibly even raped, possibly even gang raped, beaten and or even God forbid killed. If he didn't do exactly what she wanted him to, or even give her whatever in the hell that she wanted from him. Hell, as disgusting as this thought even is, she could have even sold Rose into slavery. Possibly even sex slavery."

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