Chapter 28

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But I know that when my two cousins take over the running of our world a whole hell of a lot of things are going to change. Hopefully, that will be just one of the many many many things that will change for the better once they take over. Maybe we would even have a guardian appreciation day a few times a year. Or at the very least annually.

And hopefully another thing that will change is the stigma that is attached to dhampir being in relationships. Because that is not just stupid but also highly disgusting. It doesn't matter who they are in relationships with, the royals hate it. And they belittle, disparage, and harass the dhampir for being in a relationship simply because the moroi are disgusting, cruel, hateful, and vile. They don't want guardians in relationships with moroi or dhampir either one. But for the very very VERY small few dhampir that are in open committed relationships with each other. The mistreatment is even worse. Actually, it is so bad that the females are even call blood whores. Of course, all female dhampir are called blood whores simply because they are female dhampir. Which is revolting as hell on the moroi's part if you asked me.

She took a deep breath. "All right, please tell me what you were going to tell me."

"All right, I am going to tell you the whole story... or at least as much of it as I safely can for right now. But you cannot repeat any of this to anyone until given the go ahead by Rose, her father, and or Dimitri. Because not only does all of their safety, possibly even their very lives, rely on discretion right now. But so do, possibly hundreds of thousands if not millions of other lives, including but not limited to ALL of the royals. And Rose and Dimitri's future children."

She gasped almost silently. "Really?" She asked quietly in complete, total, and utter amazement.

"Yes." I affirmed both verbally and with a nod of my head.

"Is my daughter pregnant?"

"No, not that I am aware of. As far as I know for sure she is still a virgin." Which wasn't a lie, I had no physical proof that Rose was no longer a virgin. I mean I'm not stupid, I suspected but I wasn't absolutely sure.

"All right then, I give you my solemn vow that I will never reveal what you are about to tell me to a single solitary soul. At least not until Rose and or Dimitri gives me the approval." She nodded.

"Thank you."

"You are all very much welcome, although there is no need to thank me. Just promise me that keeping this secret from everyone in the world will help to keep my daughter, her soul mate, and their future children all safe."

I nodded myself this time. "Yes, it most certainly will, I give you my word on the fact that it will keep Rose, Dimitri, and their future children all safer. Rose's father, Dimka, and I would never let anything happen to her or any of their children at all if we could help it. We would all die to protect them if needs be." She nodded in acceptance, belief, and appreciation.

"Thank you so much, and so will I."

"You are very welcome. Now tell me, do you know who Ibrahim Akeem Mazur Badica is?"

"Yes, he is the prince of the Badica family. He is Marcella and Annandale's only son."

"That is true. Ok, the shortened down or nickname for Ibrahim is Abe."

"Ok?" I could tell that she didn't understand why I was telling her that, but she will soon.

"Have you ever heard of Abe Mazur?"

"Yes, he is a Turkish mobster. Who is reputed to have a great deal of control and lots of connections, influence, and power in several countries the world over. Russia, Turkey, and Romania that I know of. With not only humans, other moroi, dhampir and alchemists. And some people also say that he even has power and influence with some of the different clans of strigoi, but I don't know if I believe that or not. I have even heard that most of those that know him fear him. But what does that have to do with Rose?"

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