Chapter 37

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"He also told me that there were at least two more on the council. I tried repeatedly to get him to give me more names of their spies, but he refused. He also said that none of that would matter to me soon because I would either be dead or a strigoi myself."

She smiled and laughed for a moment. "But as you can see, he was wrong as he is the one that is dead not me. So, I guess the joke is on him." Now she shrugged again just as she shoved another forkful of her omelet into her mouth.

"I still can't believe that you beheaded six strigoi, Rose." Poor Alberta, she sounded almost bewildered.

"And don't forget that she also staked three more strigoi and killed their four human accomplices." I reminded everyone. Not that lyubov' moya needed the reminder, but I didn't want anyone who read this report, or hears this recording of my angels debrief, to forget that. (my love)

"Someone had to end them, and it was glaringly obvious, to me and everyone else in our world. That the royal council was most certainly not going to do a single chert thing to help save and protect our people. Not a single yeblya thing. Killing the strigoi and protecting our people as a whole is not their main concern, I mean ad it isn't even their last concern. It's not even anywhere on their yeblya radar because they care absolutely nothing about anyone who is not themselves. The only thing that they care about is number 1.) protection for themselves 2.) restricting the rights of all dhampir even more 3.) doing whatever they have to in order to get the next dhampir in their beds willing or not doesn't matter to them. And finally, number 4.) making themselves even richer and more powerful every day than they were the day before. Just so that they feel as though they are better and more important than everyone else in the world. They already think that they are superior to everyone else in the world. And although those are their goals they are not necessarily in that order." (damn, fucking, hell, fucking)

"You are so right on that angel moya. It is such a shame that most of the people that are looked to in order to keep us all safe and protected could not care less than doing so. As you said, they are all far too selfish, self-absorbed, self-centered, and cruel to care about anyone other than themselves." (my)

"You and Dimitri are both right Rose dear. Far too many of the other royals care absolutely nothing about anyone but themselves and what they think that they need and what they want in life. As far as they are concerned everyone who has less money, belongings, holdings, et cetera et cetera et cetera than them are all less than them and can go straight to cehennem. But I am so proud that I can say that my daughter and son in law are nothing like them. So enormously proud indeed." (hell)

Both Alberta and Pavel continued to sit there, in their seats, quietly but nodding in agreement with Abe's words and sentiment.

"Thank you, baba, from the both of us. Personally, if I had to act, behave, and believe the way that farrr too many of the other royals do. Then I would much rather never be a royal myself. I don't know for sure how Mitya feels about that..." I loved the way that she said 'other royals' because it meant that even with her reservations she has more or less accepted the fact that not only is she a royal herself but so am I. (daddy)

"Yes, you do Roza moya. Even without being able to read my mind, my heart, and my emotions you know that I feel exactly the same way that you do detka. The way that far too many of the other royals see, think about, consider, and believe that the dhampir and non-royals are beneath them makes me yeblya sick to my yeblya stomach." (my, baby, fucking, fucking)

"I agree with you Mitya, one hundred percent dorogoy moy. Just as I agree with you, baba. But back to my debrief, don't get me wrong here, I wasn't ready to kill. No one is ever truly ready to take a life, even if it is the undead life of a strigoi. And if those ublyudok royal moroi think that doing it and living with it is easy or fun. Then they are farrr more yeblya stupid than I have ever given them the credit for being. And believe me, I know that they are very yeblya stupid indeed because I have had to deal with Jesse Zeklos and his ilk for almost a decade and a half. And on top of being stupid, they are yeblya ignorant as ad. Because they can't even add zero and zero and get zero, no they would probably somehow get two or even ten, that is just how yeblya ignorant that the vast majority of them truly are." (my darling, daddy, damn, bastard, fucking, fucking, fucking, hell, fucking)

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