Chapter 35

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She smiled at me and continued with her debriefing. "As I was saying, they, this time meaning the non-royals and we the dhampir. Did not, do not and will not ever matter enough to care about anything that happens to any of us. How they can possibly think that the dhampir does not matter is yeblya beyond me. I mean seriously, what the blyad' are they going to do when there are no more guardians? When they have gotten all of the guardians slaughtered. Dig themselves bunkers and hide their pathetic little krysy ublyudki zadnitsy in them? It is like the proverbial ostrich sticking his head in the yeblya sand because he's terrified of his own yeblya shadow. Or are they going to force the non-royals to protect them? Or possibly even force the unwilling and permanently physically injured and disabled dhampir to line up to be slaughtered all to protect their sorry, weak, pathetic, lazy zadnitsy?!" (fucking, fuck, rat bastard asses, fucking, fucking, asses)


She stopped her rant, took a few deep, hopefully calming, breaths and then continued. "I'm sorry, but that whole entire topic just makes me furious, irate, and mad as ad. And I have had to keep my opinions to myself and keep myself quiet about it for far too yeblya long. And that stops right. Yeblya. Now. From now on I refuse to hide how and what I think and feel about anything or anyone from anyone. And I don't give a flying blyad' if anyone likes it, or if they don't yeblya like it. They can every single one line up to, kiss. My. Yeblya. Zhopa." (hell, fucking, fucking, fuck, fucking, fucking, ass)

She stopped again to take a few more calming breaths before she continued again. And as she did, I saw Abe and Pavel both smirking smugly and proudly at lyubov' moya words and attitude. (my loves)

And I agreed with them completely. I was prouder than I had the words to express about the way that she feels about saving and protecting all of our people. I also agreed with every word that she said about the council as well as everything else. And I was so glad that we could both express ourselves properly and honestly from here on out. And just like angel moya if people did not like what we had to say. Then they could chert well just come and try to take a bite out of my zhopa and see what they drew back. (my, damn, ass)

I almost laughed as angel moya swore like a sailor in Russian and to do that she would have had to take the translations and pronunciations from my mind. Which just reenforced the fact that I didn't have to teach her Russian, she is more than capable of teaching herself from my mind. (my)

"So anyway, overhearing what the royals were saying is what was the final straw that broke the camel's back. The catalyst so to speak. All of which is what drove the three of them here to Spokane to begin with. So, if the royals want to blame anyone for what happened here. And knowing the royals as I do, they will in fact want to blame someone who is not a royal. They will without a doubt want a non-royal or a dhampir to be offered up as a scapegoat, most especially a dhampir. But regardless of what they want, the facts remain the same. And that is that they can chert well blame themselves and each other for what happened here because it is in fact their own chert fault." (damn, damn)

"The royals won't ever take the responsibility for anything like what happened here. They will blame the nearest dhampir, and usually the most well-known, just to keep people from knowing that it was actually a royal, or several of thems fault. No matter what the IT is." Pavel stated and we all knowingly nodded in agreement with him.

"I know, and I agree with you. But as I was saying, late the next day, when I found out that the three of them had left the ski lodge and where they went, Christian and I went after them." Lyubov' moya shrugged as she put a fork full of eggs, smothered in cheese and pieces of ham that she'd cut up, into her mouth. Thankfully there had been both a few diverse types of shredded and liquid cheese on that cart. But she had more or less used it to make herself a ham and cheese omelet. (my love)

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