Chapter 34

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Alberta, Abe, I and Pavel all nodded in agreement with her. "Yes, I can and do understand that as well. Going without food and water for close to a week could have some kind of detrimental effect on an unborn child. That is not even mentioning the physical pain, torment, and torture that you went through. But I want you to go to Dr. Oldenzki when you get back to the academy just to be on the safe side Rose." Alberta replied.

"As do I." Abe and I both agreed verbally, and Pavel nodded his own agreement.

"But if you would rather not wait, I can have a doctor brought here to you or even to Los Angeles or New York if you prefer Rose dear." Abe offered.

Roza turned to look at me. "What do you think Comrade?"

"Honestly Roza, I would prefer that you get checked out as soon as possible. I don't want to take any chances with you or our future children's health, wellness, and welfare dorogaya moya." (my darling)

She looked at me, her eyes filled with understanding and agreement. "All right detka. Baba, can you get a female doctor to come here? This is not the type of exam that I want a male doctor doing." (baby, daddy)

"Yes, of course Rose dear. When would you like it done?"

"The sooner the better, that way we can hopefully set everyone's minds at ease."

"All right dear, I will call as soon as you have finished your debriefing."

"Would you like for me to text him your highness?" Pavel asked.

"Yes, Pavel thank you very much that way he can get hear even sooner. Ask him to use his Mazur Inc. card to charter a plane."

"Yes, your highness, right away." Pavel answered as he took his phone from his pocket and began texting the doctor, which apparently Abe kept on call. Even going so far as to give him a credit card to charter a plane to get here even sooner.

Angel moya looked to her father with a smile and said, "thank you, baba." (daddy)

"You are most welcome kiz bebek. After all, as your father, it is my job to take care of you." He answered as he squeezed her. (baby girl)

"Thank you, daddy." When she said daddy to him in English, I was almost certain that the both of them were going to shed a tear each.

Kissing the back of her hand, just like most other doting fathers would do, he nodded. "You are very welcome kiz bebek." (baby girl)

"All right, back to your debriefing Rose." Alberta instructed Roza moya several minutes later. (my)

"Right. Anyway, as I said earlier Mason had also overheard, from a group of royals. That apparently since the strigoi didn't kill, anyone that really mattered meaning any royals, in that last attack. Because the royals had all hid in the safe room. But even though that particular safe room was more than adequate size for everyone on the estate to hide in. They still refused to let anyone inside who was not a royal. Which is just fucking stupid, idiotic, cruel and disgusting if you ask me. Anyway, because of there being no royals killed because of that. Then they, meaning the royal council, didn't feel that it was important or necessary enough to send in a strike team. Even though they knew that there was a nest of them here in town. Apparently, those cowardly royals thought that it was just too big of a risk to risk their own protection, safety, or discomfort. To avenge the dhampir and non-royals that have been slaughtered by the strigoi." (my)

"Rose, you do know that the royal council is going to read your report, don't you? They are going to know that you called them all cowards, stupid, idiotic et cetera et cetera et cetera." Alberta asked as she tried to hide her smile and the amusement that flickered in her eyes. Not to mention the fact that the smile could be heard in her voice as well.

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