Chapter 36

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"That every single moroi, strigoi and dhampir in the world are all just waiting for news that Christian has done the exact same chert thing. But as I said before, to be on the safe side, I made for chert sure that Christian ate and feed very well. I made sure that he pretty much gorged himself, on both food and blood, just to be on the safe side before we even went to the mall to begin our search. Because I had no yeblya idea just how long it would be before I was able to get him either food or blood again. So, he wasn't as deprived of blood or food as Isaiah thought that he was. He probably thought that I was too yeblya stupid to think of making sure that Chris not only ate well but also fed very well." (damn, damn, fucking, fucking)

I saw her hand begin to shake so I grasped her hand and wrapped it in both of mine.

"Doing that, taking the time to make sure that Christian not only ate, but also that he fed well was ingenious Rose. It is most likely what saved his life, or at the very least was a major contributing factor."

Alberta was right, that had been ingenious, and it was all my Roza's own idea. Because neither Adrian nor I had said or even thought anything whatsoever about that. I have always known that Roza moya is smarter than everyone else ever gave her the credit for being. I mean Adrian had said for her to eat well before she left the ski lodge. Because we had both known that she would have to fight her way out of that house. But neither of us had even thought about Christian needing to feed. (my)

"Thanks mom. He could have lasted a couple of more days, but I REALLY don't think that Mia could have lasted very much longer. I was starting to get really worried about her. You could look at her and see how difficult it was on her, being without blood for so long. She had already started looking a little greenish grey and was looking a little clammy. I really didn't think that she would have lasted out the rest of the day."

"Yes, I imagine so. Not having food nor blood in so long was most likely making the poor girl sick and weak. I always knew that you were a far better guardian than most people have ever given you the credit for being baby girl."

Lyubov' moya just smiled at her mother before her eyes drifted to mine. I knew that she was thinking, even without our bond, that she would never actually become a guardian and that I would not be a guardian for very much longer either. And she was right on both counts. (my love)

But as long as we are together, as long as we have each other, then that is all that really mattered to me. And I know for an absolute fact that she feels the exact same way in her heart as I do.

Even though she would have liked to have been a guardian for at least a few months. Mainly because that bred sivoy kobyly that that suka Janine Hathaway said to her. About her never being a guardian who was worth a der'mo, reverberates around in her head over and over and over again. (bullshit, bitch, shit)

I swear if I am ever able to get my yeblya hands around that suki throat. She will chert well know that I was there and that I yeblya meant business. And maybe that will force the suka to keep her yeblya mouth shut and her false opinions concerning lyubov' moya to her-yeblya-self. (fucking, bitch's, damn, fucking, bitch, fucking, my love, fucking)

But what jobs that we do in this world does not really matter to either one of us in the least. And thanks to the bond that we had built between us, and Adrian had expanded and tightened the binds of, I could feel that she felt exactly the same way.

Even if she was a little sad and disappointed about not ever being a guardian, even for a brief time. But I knew that she would soon come to terms with the turn that her life had taken. I had been in her place at one time, and it had taken me a while to come to grips with it myself as well, but I finally had. So, I know that she will as well.

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