Chapter 24

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After I got a hold on myself, after my conversation with Dimitri, Mia and Christian had finished feeding. So, I gave Mason the gun that was on the same table as my stakes. I also handed Mia her phone that had been on the table with everyone else that had one. Just as I gave everyone else theirs and Mia Eddie's.

"I will need a stake too Rose." There were only two stakes on the table since I had only brought two with me. How in the hell Mason and Eddie thought that they were going to kill the strigoi without having a fucking stake themselves? I have absolutely NO fucking idea.

"No, you won't. You are leading and then guarding the others while you are all outside. Hence why I gave you the gun. I will be the one to do what needs to be done inside this house."


"No Mason. Let me ask you something, just how in the bloody blue hell did you expect that you were going to kill a strigoi without even bring a fucking stake with you?"

His eyes fell to the floor. "I didn't think..."

"Well, you've got that right because you obviously didn't think. Because if you had you wouldn't have pulled some kind of shit like this to being with."

"Rose, I am just as good of a novice as you are. I..."

"Have you ever even trained with a stake yet?!"

"Well, no... but..."

I looked Mason in the eyes and said, "but nothing. You have not even begun to train with a stake as of yet, and yet I am almost as proficient with a stake as Dimitri is..."

"You are just as good as I am as a matter of a fact lyubov' moya." The love of my life butted in to inform me. (my love)

"... I have been training with a stake for months now. Since the Equinox Dance as a matter of a fact. That is what I have been doing while you have forgotten all about me over the last few months just as Eddie and Lissa have. I have been training my ass off every spare moment that I have. If I am not in class, asleep, or eating then I am training. Sometimes, even when Dimitri is on shift or elsewhere, I am in the gym or on the track training my ass off alone."

"Really?!!" Lyubov' moy asked me and I almost laughed but I was able to refrain. (my love)

"Yes really, lyubov' moy. I needed to do my best to be as close to your level as I could possibly be for my own piece of mind." (my love)

"You're amazing angel moya. Soooo yeblya amazing lyubov' moya." (my, fucking, my love)

"Thank you lyubov' moy, thank you sooo much." (my love)

"You are most definitely welcome lyubov' moya." (my love)

Turning back to the basement and my conversation with Mason, I asked him a question. "Can you say the same thing? No, you can't because you have been far too busy flirting, partying, and making out with Meredith. All three of you have left me all alone while you partied it up and not even bothering to invite me. Even though I have not been on lockdown since the Equinox Dance. And I am not going to lie and say that all of you haven't hurt me tremendously by doing that, so fucking deeply as a matter of a fact. But I will say that I am not angry about it anymore, but I am still just as hurt. Now, you can repay me by doing just as I say and watching over them outside of this house. And none, I fucking repeat myself, NONE of you are to ever come back inside this house. No matter what you may or will hear."

He tried to speak but I didn't allow him to do so, instead I held up my hand at him to silence him. "As the top novice at St. Vladimir's Academy, who actually has trained quite a lot with a stake, I am giving you a firm and direct order. DO NOT come back into this fucking house and don't let anyone else either!!! I don't give a fuck what you see or hear."

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