Chapter 23

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"He will, just give him some time to try to come to terms with all of this."

"All right, thank you."

"You are very welcome angel moya." (my)

"Hey Comrade?"


"How long have we been down here?"

"Well, you and Christian were taken four days ago and the other three have been there, we think, two days before you were. Why?"

"I doubt that those three idiots took the time to eat or for Mia to feed. So, she has been without blood for almost a week. She doesn't look good at all; she looks like a mixture between green and grey as a matter of a fact. And I don't think that she has much time left, I have to get blood into her somehow."

"I do not imagine that she has the rest of the day left. If she has not fed in the last six days and she has already started to look like that."

"I agree. So, I need to get us the hell out of here yeblya ASAP." (fucking)

"Just be careful my wonder woman."

"I'll do my best I promise. Comrade, how are you doing after finding out all the der'mo that Tasha has done?" (shit)

He sighed. "To be honest Roza, I don't really know. Finding out what you were trying to keep me from finding out until we were back together. About what she has had done to almost twenty women or girls just because they tried to flirt with me... I just don't know what or how to think or feel about that."

'Oh well, so much for trying to hide that from him until I could tell him in person.' I thought to myself.

"How did you find out about that?"

"You were so worried about me finding out that it has been on a pretty much continuous loop in your mind ever since you found out."

"I am so sorry Mitya. You're right I was trying to hide that until we were back together because I didn't want you falling into that pit."

"Me too detka, me too. I really appreciate the fact that you were trying to protect me detka. I just never imagined that ANYONE could do the things that she has done and for the reasons that she has done them." (baby, baby)

"I know detka, I am sooo very sorry lyubov' moy. So very deeply sorry." (baby, my love)

"It is not your fault lyubov' moya." He sighed again. (my love)

"It isn't yours either, it is hers. All of this der'mo is on HER head, JUST hers." (shit)

I really hoped that Dimitri had not uncovered the other thing that Isaiah told us that Tasha got him to do. Thankfully, no one but me realized the significance of what he had said. Because no one but me really knew Dimitri and his history. So, the other thing that Isaiah told us that Tasha got him to do is going to break my poor soul mates' heart and soul.

When Isaiah told us the things that Tasha had done to Christian's family and all those girls that she'd had him kill. I thought that her depravity couldn't get any worse, but oh how wrong I was. This suki depravity knows no bounds. This is just one of the reasons that I don't put her trying to compel Dimitri to be with her. (bitch's)

I waited a few more minutes, until Dimitri said that the sun was completely up. To give Christian the code word that we had worked out between the two of us on our drive to Spokane. A word that we both knew would never come up in casual conversation. Or unintentionally in a situation like this.

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