Chapter 26

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'Dear Lord God in heaven, please forgive me for all of the lives that I've had to put an end to on this day. Please take their souls and remand them into your care oh lord. Please give them the peace, there with you, that they were not blessed with during their time here on your Earth in their life or unlife. Please forgive their souls for what their bodies were forced to do while they were possessed by the evil of the strigoi.

I also ask that you please help me to find a way to protect not only my people, but all the people of your Earth dear Lord. By finding a way to end the reign of terror of the soulless forever. Please protect us all from them until you see fit to put an end to them, in whatever way that you so choose, once and for all oh heavenly father.

Please ALWAYS protect Mitya and our future children and our other descendants as well as all of our family, friends, and people oh Lord. And thank you soooo very much for creating Dimitri and I for each other Lord.

Amen dear Lord and thank you so much for everything that you do, have done, and will continue to do for all of us each and every single day my Lord.'

I never used to believe in God, before I met Dimitri, in fact most people don't even realize that that fact has changed. But I knew that Dimitri and I did not find each other by accident, sheer coincidence, or mistake. No, God brought us together.

There was no 'big bang' that made us for each other or made a way for us to meet and fall in love. Or created love at all. I knew that the only way that we found each other and were able to love each other and be together. Given everything, and almost everyone that was and still is in our way, it was all thanks to God that we are able to be together.

I know without a shadow of a doubt anywhere in my heart, mind, body, or soul. That God made Dimitri for me and me for Dimitri, and he made a way for us to be able to be together. He would never have brought us together if he did not have a way for us to be together. We'd just had to figure out what that way was. We just had to want it bad enough and be determined enough to find the way that he had created for us to be together.

"That was beautiful Roza, thank you for thinking of me. And you are right, he would have never made us for each other if he had not made a way for us to be together."

"I'm always thinking of you Comrade. You are always on my mind and in my heart and soul detka, always. I've always known that there was some way for us to be together Mitya, we just had to let him show us the way. Where are you?" (baby)

"Getting out of the SUV, I'm on my way inside now detka. And once again, you are right." (baby)

Less than a minute later I heard, "Roza, let me in. It's just me Roza."

Without even so much as looking up I dropped the shield from in front of the door. But only just long enough to let Comrade moy inside the house. And then I replaced the shield just as soon as he was through the doorway. And when it locked back into place you could actually hear it 'click'. But the shield continued to do its job, which was to block everyone else's way in. (my)

"You did so well detka." He said as he kneeled on both knees, on the floor right in front of me also inside this circle of death and destruction that I have wrought in this room. (baby)

I looked up into those beautiful dark chocolate brown eyes, which held those glorious splashes of emerald green and honey gold and even some sapphire blue, and ruby red, that I love and adore sooo very much. And I sadly said to him, "I had to kill humans Mitya."

He reached out and gently caressed my cheek, brushing away the tear that had fallen, with his thumb.

"I know detka, I know that you did. And I am sooo sorry, but you've asked for forgiveness and that is all that any of us can ever really do. God knows that you didn't do this because you wanted to, or for the fun or the thrill of killing. Especially since there is no thrill and nothing fun about killing. He knows that you didn't do it for the supposed glory, since there also isn't any glory in killing. He knows that you did it to protect everyone in his world Roza moya. He knows that angel moya, don't ever have any doubts about that detka." (baby, my, my, baby)

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