Chapter 38

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"I just honestly don't know what to say about that Mitya." She finally said looking completely floored at this information.

"Me too detka, me too." I leaned over and kissed her on the top of her head. (baby)

She turned to Alberta. "Mom?"

"I'm sorry Rose, but I am at a complete and utter loss of what to do or say about that exactly as well."

"What should we do? I mean can we do anything?" Angel moya asked all of us. But none of us knew what, if anything, that we could or should do about this new, worrisome, and shocking information. (my)

"All I know is that I will make sure to tell head guardian Hans Croft. I am sure that he and Queen Tatiana will figure out what, if anything, that we can do. But until that time, we need to get back to your debriefing Rose."

"All right mama. One more question first though if you guys don't mind?"

I saw Alberta smile brightly when Roza moya called her mama. (my)

"Go ahead kizim." (my daughter)

"If this is the Judas Iscariot then do you think that is why silver effects the strigoi the way that it does?"

Once again, every single one of the rest of us were in shock. Because that could very well be a distinct possibility.

"It is possible kizim, that is indeed a very distinct possibility." (my daughter)

We all five sat there quietly thinking for several minutes before Alberta began with my Roza's debrief again.

"Ok, did he tell you where the other older strigoi live?"

"All over Europe, he said that they tend to stick mostly to the 'old world' as he called it."

Alberta nodded and then mumbled, more or less to herself, I think. "So, Judas hasn't strayed TOO far from his original stomping grounds then it would seem."

That little bit of information about Judas was hard for all of us to move past. It would be just like finding out that Vlad Tepes was the progenitor of the strigoi race. Almost impossible to believe, but also at the same time not really all that impossible to believe after all.

"How are the strigoi supposed to meet their end?" Alberta eventually gathered her sense back together enough to continue on with my Roza's debriefing.

"He didn't know, all he knew was what I told you. Or at least that is all that he told me, and I gave him plenty of opportunities to tell me everything that he knew. So, I figured that that must be all that he knew. I have a feeling that although he is, or rather was, one of the mid to higher ranked in this new group who wish to end the royals. He was not all that high ranked in the overall ranking of the strigoi infrastructure. I wish that I could have compelled him, but..."

"The fact that they even have an infrastructure is just shocking. Not to mention the fact that it makes them even more of a dangerous and deadly threat to all of us. Moreso than what we have ever thought even possible for all of these centuries." Alberta soon mumbled again.

"I suppose it is possible that they have just been lying in wait and amassing a massive army. Before they went ahead and truly set their forces lose on the world. Killing just enough to feed them all, to continuing to increase their numbers and to remind us know that they are still out there. That they are possibly watching us and waiting for the perfect time to strike." Abe contemplated also more or less to himself.

"Well, if that is true, given the state of our world this would be the perfect time. Especially given how the moroi, mostly most of the royals, see, treat, behave about, with and to and think that they are all better and more important than we dhampir are. Not to mention the fact that most of them are hiding and refusing to help in the fight against the strigoi." Was Pavel's addition to the conversation.

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