Anger Driven II

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It has been three days since our "little accident" in her warehouse. Similar to a silent agreement, neither of us dared to say anything about what happened that evening. It was almost like it never happened. Sometimes I even wonder if that night was real or if my brain was playing tricks with me.

But I know it was too good to be just an illusion. I can still feel her lips on my neck every time I close my eyes, I still hear her dirty whispers in my ear. It was all I could think about, and this was killing me slowly. The tension between us, the anticipation whenever she got closer to me during work. I'm not sure if I can take it any longer.

I arrived at my apartment after long hours of sewing in the warehouse, but my mind was still on the woman who stayed over there. I lied down on the sofa, relaxing my body while throwing the keys on the center table. When I was about to close my eyes and give in to my tiredness, someone began to frantically knock on my door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I shouted on my way to the door.

I opened it as fast as I could in order to stop the annoying noise, and once I saw who was in front of me, my heart skipped a beat.

"Cruella?" I asked incredulously. "What are you doing here?"

She looked stunning as always. Her dark and strong makeup highlighted her eyes, while her bloody red lips contrasted the snow-like white of her skin. She was now wearing a tight black leather jacket that only enhanced her features even more. The most attractive troublemaker I have ever seen.

"I told you I wasn't done with you, didn't I?" She said with an evil smirk on her face. "You're not escaping me, darling."

My chances of verbally responding were interrupted by her hungry lips one more time. She kissed me with intensity, kicking the door shut as our tangled bodies entered my living room.

"Do you know how much I thought about this over the last three days?" She asked breathlessly. "Do you know how hard it was to wait for this?"

Cruella pushed me hard against the wall and took one more look at my face before kissing my neck. I knew I was defeated as soon as I felt her lips on my skin, exploring every single inch of that particular area.

"Tell me you want me too." She whispered. "Tell me how much you need me."

"I want you, Cruella." I said weakly. "You're the only thing I think about."

The desperation in our actions was already enough to show how much this moment was desired by the both of us. We kissed passionately one more time as she guided me towards the sofa. Our bodies collapsed on the old cushion, and Cruella was now on top of me.

"That's your last chance to deny me, Y/N." She stared at me arduously. "Say one word and I'll leave."

The lights were out and the only thing lighting up her silhouette was the moon and the stars outside my window behind me. My body pressed against hers burned in a way I've never felt before. I've never craved someone as much as I crave Cruella. This arrogant, narcissistic monument of a woman had me in the palm of her hands, and it was too late to turn back now. How could I say no to the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen?

"Cruella," I said firmly, not breaking eye contact. "don't stop."

Her devilish smirk showed up once again.

"You're mine tonight, darling."

you ask and you shall receive. thank you for reading and i hope you like it! M

Cruella Oneshots (GXG)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz