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Hatter - that was the man's name.

And the other males name was Niragi.

As Hatter floundered around dramatically infront of the dark curtains behind him, talking loudly to the other people that he had called to stand in the room he'd taken us to I could begin to see the pure resemblance of madness cross upon his features as he glanced around quickly.

Chishiya and I were sat ahead of him, staring at Hatter and the dark curtains which quite obviously held something important behind them.

Hatter had gathered two other females to stand close to him, one with short hair by her ears accompanied with plump lips and the other woman had a soft smile, her dark hair trailing down her shoulders and completed with a fringe.

A male stood near them too, poised and proper with glasses upon his nose, lips pursed and complete with a fresh scar there.

The other people he'd gathered stood by Niragi, whomst Chishiya and I had - unfortunately-  met upon entering the Beach, he wasn't quite as intimidating anymore as he stood beside the other two. One male standing (rather strangely) as he held onto his katana as if it were a walking stick, his hair shaved to perfection and tattoos plastered upon his face in dark swirls and a pattern I couldn't distinguish.

The other man was double their size, standing in the middle as if he owned the two, he wore a vest top that clearly presented his pure strength and his face was held in a way to show his dismissal of Chishiya and I's appearance.

"Welcome to the beach!" Hatter said quickly, everything seemed to be sorted out now and he held out his arms as if he was presenting something so grand.

I glanced towards Chishiya who was closely next to me on the individual seats we were upon. He stared back at me and didn't show any nerves on his face, he seemed imperturbable, nonchalant ; as usual.

"We know that if you collect all the playing cards you can leave this place" Announced Hatter proudly.

"You know that?" I had muttered on a whim of sudden excitement, there was a way out. I wanted to go home.

"We don't know it, we believe so" Hatter corrected and he pointed to the curtains which the male with glasses and woman with a kind smile had now pulled apart.

Behind him loomed a wall spray painted with solitaire cards similar to the one Chishiya and I had earned from our first game. Noticably some of them had a cross through them in black spray paint.

"The ones crossed out... Are they the cards you've collected?" I asked, I was a little nervous in the room where all eyes were plastered on me.

"They're the cards earned by the participants of the beach, do you want to stay here... both of you?" Asked Hatter.

He'd been met by a comfortable silence; I didn't want to speak on Chishiya behalf for I could tell he was still skeptical.

"The rules of the beach are simple! Rule number 1. Is that bathing suits must always be worn" Hatter announced in no time, not even explaining anything else, my mind was frantic with more questions I had the urge to ask but he had spoke over my unspoken questions.

"Rule 2" he continued, "You are free to live your life exactly as you want here! Drugs, alcohol and-" he paused, looking  between Chishiya and I with a small grin, his playful eyes made me shift uncomfortably in my seat, "you're free to have sex, which I'm sure is a rule that will please you both"

My stomach dropped, a strange feeling appeared as I looked frantically towards Chishiya who had snapped his head towards me too. His eyes held emotions I couldn't quite identify and he seemed a little nervous for the first time as he stared back at me.

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