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Within my time in the beach I hadn't quite predicted that after Hatter's ceremony I would have to attend another for I still had that weak idea that Hatter would survive until the end, collect all the cards, and he would ultimately be able to survive, his reign would last until the final card was captured and caught.

But those ideas were weak; a poor excuse to have kept myself sane.

The atmosphere was more fraught than the first, this time I could sense it more indubitably circulating around the room like a gas, a deadly never ending cynical feeling overriding any others.

Unlike Hatter's ceremony there had been an awful strained stress within the atmosphere... no one - except from the obvious two -  had agreed with the fact that Aguni was the one who deserved to be seated at the end of the table with the small envelope clasped in his large hands stained with the lingering marks of his previous games.

No one had wanted him to be the leader of the beach except from the militants and Niragi who sit so proudly in his seat with a smirk that he had struggled to conceal, he was on a complete high due to his assertion of dominance and he had made it rather obvious as he looked so intensely towards Aguni with that twisting smirk flickering over his lips that he was proud of the unexpected outcome.

The Last Boss was the other person in the room thankful for the new leader, as usual the odd man had placed himself by the wall as he leant on his katana... so unusually had his body wavered around, he was so inhumane both mentally and physically for he hadn't act like a normal human at all, it had almost seemed like the man wanted to completely disassociate himself with the fact he was human and become someone the society of our normal world would never allow him to.

After all, within the new world we were in, he now had the opportunity to become the man he had never been able to.

Clearly, that man he desired to be in the real world was someone society wouldn't accept... it was the complete opposite of his normal body.

Everyone had watched Aguni the moment he ripped open the black opaque envelope stamped with the shining boss print, the silence was deadly, the only sound being that of the thin paper rippling through the silence, a streamlined prance in the silence.

The sun had shimmered almost shyly through the window behind Aguni, the yellow hue set upon the room as if it too had sensed the uneasiness presented in the room.

I'd only been able to hear my own breaths- I was rather aware of everything around me as a result of the silence, I'd almost gone insane by it all sure at one point I heard my own heartbeat, I felt, heard and smelt everything at a heightened scale.

Aguni had pulled whatever the envelope contained, he had presented a dull nothingness behind his eyes... there was nothing behind his brown eyes and it had finally reached him... that lack of emotion, care, inhumanity that had been eating him alive every single day like a dangerous plague incurable by anything the world had conjured for human use.

For a moment his dull eyes had drifted away, those brown eyes suddenly presenting a flicker of something... confusion.

Chishiya had noticed it too... I knew he had for his hand had clasped over my exposed thigh, the action unexpected, peculiar in the situation, but I hadn't complained... I didn't want to (he'd done it once before) and after the romantic kiss I had shared with him accompanied with the other physical actions of romance he had shown so obviously I had decided to accept his warming touch.

In reality I wanted his touch and I had begun craving it, wondering just what his fingers would feel like over my shoulders, what would his touch feel like over my back, my legs... my body.

He looked at me with his eyes coruscating with understanding, somehow he had completely grasped the location of the cards... unusually had he been able to perfectly understand by the flicker of confusion over Aguni's eyes that lasted all but a fleeting second. An ephemeral recollection of wonder that sparked behind the male's eyes that within a blink one would have missed it.

But I'd been reeled away from Chishiya's comforting eyes to glance towards Aguni who had made quite the ruckus as he stamped the envelope once again with the boss ring, sealing it, hiding it perfectly.

"That's all" Niragi smiled wildly, "It's official, Aguni is the leader of the beach! The holder of the cards"

The silence after his highly energetic unshared excitement had been rather awkward, a little comedic too if I weren't wrapped up in the negative annotations of what Aguni's reign would result in.

"When should we announce it?" Beamed Niragi, he hadn't looked at anyone else but his eyes glaring with a twisted excitement had locked into Aguni's frame, searching his face for closure.

"Tomorrow" Keniichi said deadpanned, slowly.

"When did you get a choice to speak?" Spat Niragi, scoffing, "You've been demoted four eyes"

Keniichi had sighed, shaking his head. Everyone in the room had given up with communicating with Niragi, including me, the male was too caught up in his own dystopian world in which he was above everyone. Furthermore, he was rather young and his childlike arrogance had completely shimmered and shone in his attitude, everytime he spoke he seemed to demoralise someone.

"Tomorrow" Aguni repeated, his movements had been slow as he looked towards Keniichi. "Why?"

"Yeah?!! Why?! Why not now? What are you planning-"

"Niragi" Warned Aguni, his eyes stern, his voice quick... it seemed even Aguni couldn't handle Niragi's constant desire to have been involved in an argument.

Chishiya had been amused though and he hadn't silenced the gentle chuckle that slipped from his lips, it had broke away at the tense silence for just a second before the tenseness had heightened with the realisation of what Chishiya had done.

Niragi was pissed, he made that all too obvious, "Hey? What are you laughing at?" He shouted, his eyes widened with anger, his voice seething, furious with Chishiya's deviant and daring decision.

"Nothing" Chishiya grinned gently, hiding the smile on his face with an unexpected struggle.

His bold actions had worried me, I would never quite accustom myself to his overriding confidence in situations where seriousness was needed.

Niragi's splutter had been cut off by Keniichi who stated that they should announce it tomorrow "In the morning so that everyone can understand the new leader as time passed, it's useless to tell them now before they sleep"

Aguni had nodded quickly. Standing from his seat. "Tomorrow, I announce to the beach. Tomorrow I make it clear I'm their new leader" And without uttering a single word, without meeting another pair of eyes, he had made his way outside, his loyal minions following after him obediently.

Ann sighed aloud. "We're all going to die"

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