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"This better be good" Chishiya scoffed descending the stairs quickly without looking around ahead of him as people jumped out of his way in his agitated state, I followed after him frantically in his perturbed manner finding that my breath was quick as I chased after him.

"Slow down!" I whined, grabbing his wrist as I leant forwards towards him, "You're going to end up hurting yourself, and you'd be stupid enough to do that outside of a game" I uttered, my hand clasped tightly around his wrist allowing him to drag me down the stairs as if I weren't there.

The atrium was beginning to build up with people again, fear stained a few of their faces and others were smiling wildly as they'd survived another game and reunited with their friends. The mixture of excitement and sadness had never failed to surprise me at the time I'd been at the beach.

A pure contrast of such a harrowing feeling that had found itself faced with such unmistakable excitement and happiness. The stark emotions always fought for dominance and I was never able to identify just what one had ended up winning.

One of Hatter's - as I had liked to call him - assistants had come to the door to collect us stating that we were to be in the executive meeting immediately.

I couldn't identify if it was an important reason or just the usual meet up after the games had finished, whatever the reason it wasn't the right time for Chishiya and I because it had disturbed our rather intimate moment that played itself in my head like a broken record over and over again until I'd recognised and remembered each minute detail of it so vividly.

The way his lips parted, the way his eyes looked at me with a swirl of passionate desire and the way hands clasped over my bare knees as his fingers stroked over my skin softly as if he were soon going to run his fingers up my thighs.

"Hey! Where are you two going like that?" Called a familiar female voice as we'd made the turning to the executives room in a tense silence.

"Kuina! You're alive" I managed excitedly as I dropped my hold on Chishiya's wrist and rushed towards the girl, a quick movement filled with excitement, "I was worried about you, you know" I admitted stepping away carefully as I scanned her noticing that blood stained over her hands and chest, her body a little wet with water which didn't look too pleasing as the blood only fell , "Go shower , we'll talk later"

She leaned a little closer to me with mischief in her eyes, "You and Chishiya seem closer than usual"

"He's in a foul mood" I corrected rapidly; I didn't want her to get the wrong idea. Yet, as she looked at me with her exuberant and coltish eyes I couldn't help but find my thoughts trail endlessly down a long and twisted road of ephemeral excitement of the question; would I really mind if she thought of Chishiya and I as a couple? More than friends?

"Good luck dealing with him if that's the case" Kuina muttered under her breath, her eyes glancing behind me and towards Chishiya who I understood was standing waiting for me. He'd obviously offered Kuina a polite wave in which she had returned with a smile. "I'll be off, see you soon?"

"MhM" I hummed turning towards Chishiya who looked at me with a familiar look behind his eyes as I proceeded towards him... it wasn't hard to identity the look hiding behind his eyes as I approached him and I had instantly recognised it to be the look of desire that had stained his eyes as we sat away in my bedroom with our lips inching closer to one another.

He still wanted me even now.

We had entered the room quietly met with loud chattering from Hatter and his assistants.

"Great! You two are here" called Hatter with a grand smile, "There's a lot more cards tonight... maybe that's because of the large group of guests we've been getting recently... either way I need you both to handle the cards"

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